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还是被虐待狂?Or a masochist?

她原谅了她的虐待者。She forgave her abuser.

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人会虐待植物吗?Does man maltreat plants?

汤姆虐待妻子。Tom bashes his wife about.

他虐待她。He treats her sadistically.

这其实是自我虐待的一种形式。This is a form of self-abuse.

下出生的虐待放置标志。Born under an ill-placed sign.

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什么是虐待动物?How does man maltreat animals?

家父虐待我们好多年。My father abused us for years.

特意的批评或虐待?Mean criticism or mistreatment?

我们不应该虐待动物。We shouldn't ill-treat animals.

我们不应该虐待动物。We should not ill-treat animals.

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他大喊大叫着说他受到了虐待。He squawked he was badly treated.

人们不得虐待动物。People must not ill-treat animals.

他有虐待狂的倾向。There was a sadistic streak in him.

受害者对虐待有极度轻视的倾向。Victims tend to minimize the abuse.

请不要这样虐待我!Please don't make me so masochistic.

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在监狱有虐待狂督导员。In prison there are sadistic wardens.

这何谈是虐待儿童?Is this the maltreatment of children?

没有人该虐待无辜的孩子。No one should mistreat innocent kids.