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潮有涨夕阳,人有隆替时。Every flow has its ebb.

夕阳映红了天空。The sunset dyed the sky red.

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夕阳映红了天空。The sunset dyes the sky red.

你就像夕阳西落一样美。You're as beautiful as a sunset.

但你夕阳能让它无法使用。But you want to make it unusable.

夕阳为大海披上了一件金黄的纱衣。Sunset to put on a golden sea of.

那河畔的金柳是夕阳中的新娘The golden willows by the riverside

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夕阳把云彩映成紫色。The setting sun purpled the clouds.

有一种舞着告别的夕阳。There are sunsets who dance goodbye.

金色的夕阳洒下,淋湿了谁的心。Golden sunset shed, who wet the heart.

夕阳虽落,爱永不朽。Though the sunset fell, love eternity.

夕阳染红了整个天空。The setting sun reddened the whole sky.

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我静静地坐在这里,看着夕阳西落。I sit here quietly and watch the sun set.

夕阳映红山顶。The setting sun flushed the mountain tops.

曾经的夕阳,听过的潮落,都被时间掩埋,幻成泡沫。Have seen before sunset, heard of the tide.

在夕阳余晖下,它看来好象是活的。In the light of the sunset it seemed alive.

从东到西,我们看这夕阳。From east to west we watch this setting sun.

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这房间朝西,所以我们看得见夕阳。The room faces west, so we get the evening sun.

耀眼的夕阳映红了他们的脸。The lurid sunset puts a red light on their faces.

终于,他看到了夕阳斜晖里孤零零站着的棕榈树。Finally, he saw a lone sunset palm trees standing.