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PDA压电式加速度计,卡口。PDA Piezoelectric Accelerometer, twistlock plug.

该装置彻底地消除了雷管卡口工序过程中存在的安全隐患。This device eliminates potential safety hazard existing in the crimping operation.

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刀未使用时,刀柄处设有卡口,可确保安全。When the cutter is not in use, a stop is fitted at the handle for safety assurance.

佳能最近发布了一项似乎用于无反光镜系统的镜头卡口专利。Canon recently filed a patent for what appears to be a lens adapter for a mirrorless camera.

卡口系统采用的运动物体检测算法相对简单、可靠并且运算效率高。The algorithm for moving objects detection used in the gate system is reliable and efficient.

洛斯卡口斯团伙最终不敌哲塔斯失去对边城的控制权。Los Chachos eventually lost control of the border town to the Zetas, who still control it, and Mr.

该系统可以用于高速公路电子收费、治安卡口和电子警察。This excellent system can be used in expressway toll, car monitoring and electronic-police system.

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有一个全接口的盖,带卡口。这款功能多样的相机包同样还包括一个记忆卡,和两个大容量的口袋。This feature-rich bag also includes a built-in memory card pouch, micro fiber LCD cloth and two generous organizer pockets.

最后,索尼代表说他们将积极支持E卡口的第三方镜头和转接环的开发。Finally, Sony representatives said they will proactively support the development of third-party lenses and adaptors for the E-mount.

介绍了新一代网络城防卡口车辆监控系统的设计及其实现,包括系统结构、硬件组成、系统特点、性能指标等。The essay mainly introduces the hardware composition of AMK AC servo in filter tip attachment assembly and analyzes its performance.

本文对整个卡口控制管理系统的设计和实现作了详细的描述。This paper has made good description on the design and application on the Customs Inspection Control System of Export Processing Zone.

这款标头是佳能7旁轴取景相机的“标配”镜头,采用了三耳卡榫Clip-on卡口。Considered to be one of the "standard" lenses for the Canon 7 rangefinder, the 50mm lens utilized a clip-on mount with a three-lug bayonet system.

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介绍国内外雷管卡口工序现状及存在的缺陷,文中设计了一种雷管卡口工序自动闭锁装置,对光电传感器进行了试验和数据分析。A coupler lock device applying to the detonator crimping operation is designed, and the test and data analysis on the photoelectric sensor are carried out.

具有卡口监控功能,适用于城市闯红灯、交通卡口和高速公路收费站、匝道口的抓拍。With the function of inspection spot surveillance, applied to city red light rush enforcement, city traffic crossroads, highway toll booth and ramp entrance.

因为E卡口有工业界最短的法兰距,所以有足够的空间安装转接环并且让第三方镜头能够对焦。Because the E-mount has the shortest flange-sensor distance in the industry, there's more room to fit in an adapter and still have foreign lenses focus properly.

用于杜瓦瓶的典型的转移管连接到卡口上,利用产品积累的蒸气压或外部的压力源来取出液体。A typical transfer line for dewars is connected to a bayonet that provides a means of using product vapor pressure build-up or an external pressure source to remove the liquid.

采用螺纹连接和卡口连接技术,具有高可靠性,承载高电流,具有高强度耐用的特点,能在严酷的环境中使用。Thread coupling and bayonet coupling connect technique, known for their supreme reliability, high power carrying capacity, inherent ruggedness and capacity to withstand extreme harsh environment.

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在流域出口建立卡口站,进行基于过程的汛期水文水质全面监测,同时在流域内设立径流小区,分析了径流事件中径流量、沉积物量、氮和磷负荷规律。The hydrology and water quality of runoff events were measured on gauging station and the runoff plots in the watershed and the rules of runoff, sediment, nitrogen and phosphorus load were analyzed.