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我还要糊弄糊弄他。I'll fool him yet.

她并没有被糊弄过去。She was not fooled.

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这是想糊弄谁呢?Who was this going to fool?

但是他们是在糊弄他们自己吗?But are they fooling themselves?

唉,原来这一切都是糊弄人的。Alas, this turns out to be balls.

但母亲就不太好糊弄了。The mother would be much harder to fool.

劳拉不想听到这种模棱两可的回答,这简直就是在糊弄。Laura was not fooled by the waffling reply.

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搪塞糊弄是避开了问题,却没有解决问题。Muddle avoids problems, it does not solve them.

你以为我是个傻妞就糊弄我。You tease me because you think I’m a silly girl.

你别做一道题就走形式做样子糊弄我!You don't become a problem to go form what fool me!

首先,美国财政部应该停止搪塞和糊弄。Treasury Department must stop fudging and obfuscating.

别以为你能糊弄我——我一眼看穿了你的诡计。Don't think you can fool me –I can see right through you.

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据他所知,很多中国人都认为老美是天真烂漫、容易被糊弄的‘小盆友’”。I know many Chinese think Americans are naïve and easily fooled.

其中一个答案就是,的确他们想糊弄你One of them is yes, they are trying to confuse and fool somebody.

因为阅读不仔细,我们一味糊弄自己。We are playing the fool with ourselves because of careless reading.

没有人被他的托词糊弄,打电话的事被揭穿之后,他被解雇了。His excuse didn’t fly, and he was fired when the calls were discovered.

你要知道,有些人会被你看似大男孩的单纯糊弄住。You know, some people might be fooled by that innocent boyish exterior.

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这就说明了一个道理,愚弄别人最好的办法就是先把自己糊弄了。That is, there is no better way to fool others than to first fool yourself.

不过可别被你在马耳帕沙或者帕尔畔德巴兰德可能听到的东西给糊弄了。But don't be fooled by what you may hear in Malpasa or in Palpan de Baranda.

试图寻找某个单独称之为“智慧”的人是被语法糊弄了。People seeking some single thing called "wisdom" have been fooled by grammar.