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年青人是国家的栋梁。You are our familys pillar.

这样的人是国傢的栋梁。Such men are the spine of the nation.

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这样的人是国家的栋梁。Such men are the backbone of the country.

年轻人是国家的栋梁!The youths are the backbones of the country!

我们相信我们必须是我们的国家的栋梁。We believe we must be our country's bridges.

就如小时候,妈妈告诉我们要好好学习,长大做一个栋梁一样,我们都知道这一句话是对的。We know it is correct in every word she says.

他渴望成为一个受人尊敬的正人君子,成为国家的栋梁。He yearned to be a mensch, a pillar of the country.

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今天的幼苗,明天就会成为国家的栋梁之才。Today's seedling, tomorrow will be national pillars just.

演员兼导演姜文是中国电影界的栋梁。Actor-director Jiang Wen is a pillar of the Chinese film industry.

今天我们是祖国的希望,明天我们就是祖国的栋梁。Nowadays we are the hope of our homeland, and pillars in the future.

小溪的理想是大海,幼苗的理想是栋梁。The rill ideal is the sea, seedling's ideal is a pillar of the state.

树,活着是美丽的风景,死了依然是栋梁之才。Tree, alive is a beautiful landscape, and died of it is still a pillar.

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如果曹栋梁和张林学好英语,他们会明白我的意思。If Cao Dongliang and Zhang Lin study English well, they will understand me.

十年树木,十载风,十载雨,十万栋梁梁。It takes ten years for ten years, wind, rain, one hundred thousand pillars.

他跟谷栋梁强调,他要将单位最后的事情都完成了才会辞职。Units with GuDongLiang stressed that he will finally completed will resign.

那些可能成为未来栋梁的一大批有知识的男女青年A large group of the enlightened young man and women who are potential leaders.

所罗门建殿,安置香柏木的栋梁,又用香柏木板遮盖。So he built the temple and completed it, roofing it with beams and cedar planks.

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日必将成为栋梁之才,不知二位意下如何?The day necessarily will become a pillars just, don't know two how under the idea?

他们长大了不仅是社会的精英,也是国家的栋梁。When they grow up, they are not only the social elites, but also our national backbone.

是桃李芬芳,明天是社会的栋梁,要掀起腾飞的巨浪。Is fragrant peaches and plums, tomorrow are the pillars of society, to set off the waves.