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第二个是伯特是一个胖的养畜者。The second one Bert was a fat stock breeder.

这就要看胖的范围了,伯特胖,伯特又是个养畜者。So is the scope of fat, just that Bert was fat and Bert was a stock breeder.

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科学种田、科学养畜受到普遍重视和欢迎。Scientific farming and breeding of cattle has become highly valued and welcomed.

具有“牧草之王”之美称的紫花苜蓿是种草养畜的首选草种。Named as the king of grazing grasses, alfalfa was the first choice of all grasses.

因为世界各地食谱里的肉食比重不断增高,进一步发展养畜业非常重要。Improving livestock farming is important because of meat’s growing share in the world’s diet.

此外,国家和地方政府对种草养畜均有扶持与鼓励政策。Otherwise, the country and local governments have helpful and encouraging policy for this industry.

还是说胖是伴随着养畜者的,伯特是个胖的养畜者,这就需要最后价差对照。Or is it that fat goes with stock breeder and Bert was a Fat stock breeder. And finally cross reference.

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近年来,随着种草养畜的发展,这两种牧草在农区的种植面积迅速扩大。In recent years, the planting area of white clover and tall fescue has rapidly enlarged in farming zone with the development of animal husbandry.

达孜县穷达乡的次仁白姆依靠科学种田养畜,连年获得丰收。Thanks to the scientific ways of farming and livestock raising, Ciren Baimu of Qiongda Town of Dazi County achieves good harvests for successive years.

种草养畜以其环境亲和特点,以及稳定的生产和较高的产品商品率,在黄土丘陵沟壑区越来越受到重视。Forage-livestock system has received increasing and specific attention due to its environmental compatibility, stable production and high commodity rate.

我们这里连续几年干旱,给养殖业上带来了不便,养畜的草饲料全靠花钱来买,所以养殖业的成本增加了。The past few years have been very dry which was bad for my animal husbandry business, we had to buy all the feed for the livestock which greatly increased our expenses.

在岩溶山区实施种草养畜,是综合治理石漠化和开发扶贫的有效途经之一。The implementation of planting grass for raising livestock is one of the effective ways to solve desertification and poverty alleviation by developing in Karst mountainous areas.

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草地生产力逐年下降,家畜数量逐年上升,养畜大户超载严重等因素是造成草畜矛盾日益加深以及草地生态系统退化严重的主要原因。It was found that decreased herbage productivity and increased animal number were the main factors contributing to the feed-animal imbalance status in the village in Keshiketeng Banner.

整体推进,滚动发展和提高素质、科技入户的原则,科学分析种草养畜的特点和难点,搞清楚怎么看和怎么做,或许是有用的。Meanwhile we should do the scientific analysis of the characteristics and difficulties of planting grass for raising livestock, and figure out how to scan, how to do, which maybe useful.

桐乡百桃等地初养羊或养羊中遇羊病弱时,备蛋鱼肉等请棚头神,均表现了小农祈祷养畜平安的愿望。Tongxiang 100 peach and other places in the early case of sheep or a sheep when the sheep sick, eggs, fish, etc. Please prepare studio head God, performed a small-scale livestock peace prayer wishes.

同时,正确处理好建设与管理、建设与利用、种草与养畜的关系,促进畜牧业可持续发展。The relationships between constructing and managing, constructing and utilizing, planting grass and raising livestock must be treated reasonably to promote sustainable development of animal husbandry.