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我实在没有这种雅兴。I'm really not in the mood.

他拿过沙发毯,夸奖了她们的勤奋和雅兴。He took up the rug , to celebrate their diligence and taste.

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打扰了几位少爷的雅兴,真是不该。Bothered a few pleasures of young masters, be really not should.

哼,明明是他们几个打扰了自己这边的雅兴才是。Hum, apparently is they severals bothered they this place of happiness be.

还是说,这位朋友爱交游喜风趣,招待客人讲究排场,还有赌博的雅兴?Or a convivial, witty friend, who entertained with style and had a taste for gambling?

我得把她炒掉,但她了解所有相关规则,并且颇有打官司的雅兴。I need to get rid of her but she knows all the rules and has a litigious frame of mind.

有了这些治疗方法,多汗症患者就不用让多汗扫了生活中的种种雅兴。With these treatments, sufferers of hyperhidrosis don't have to let the condition put a damper on their lives.

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无法,这时是不适宜冒昧打断他的,以免搅了他的雅兴,一晚上耿耿于怀睡不安稳,罪过就大了!No, this is not suitable for the liberty to interrupt him, so as not to stir his mood, sleep a night to heart, sin is big!

夫人难得有此雅兴,但恕本公主已无酒量奉陪。The lady seldom has this pleasure, yet excuse this princess have already had no capacity as alcohol to reserve enterprise with.

一位品德高尚,为我仰慕的名士,真正的爱国者,最近动了雅兴,也谈起了这个问题。A very worthy person, a true lover of his country, and whose virtues I highly esteem, was lately pleased in discoursing on this matter.

不知道,这样的解释会不会让您失去品茶的雅兴。不过,它确实是词典编纂者和词源学家们在工作时所思考和揣测的问题。I don't know if this will put you off your cup of tea but this really is what lexicographers and etymologists speculate about in their working hours.

她请了大量病假,声称自己的工作“压力很大”。我得把她炒掉,但她了解所有相关规则,并且颇有打官司的雅兴。She takes a huge amount of sick leave, claiming the job is "stressful". I need to get rid of her but she knows all the rules and has a litigious frame of mind.

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唯一一名门将得主是前苏联传奇门将雅兴于1963年获得。而最近的一次后卫获得欧洲足球先生是1996年的萨默尔。The only goalkeeper to have won this trophy was legendary Russian Lev Yashin in 1963, while Mathias Sammer was the last defender to be voted European Player of the Year in 1996.

如今的油纸伞,观赏性远远超过了实用价值,要有几份雅兴的人才会收藏几把,拍电影的可以拿去做道具,庆典上也需要一些。Today, the use of oil paper umbrellas is far more aesthetic than practical. Only those with refined taste may collect a few. Besides, they can be used in movies and at ceremonies.

谁的纤指拨弦,弹奏着一曲情爱的清音,纵然那眉间似水的柔媚,如花的梅妆,却也惊得一树的芳香,梅花三弄的雅兴。Who plucked , playing with a love of the voiceless, even though it's soft Things glabella, flowery makeup of the plum, but also a tree aromatic, of Three Variations of Plum Flowers.

电影落幕时,电影里的影像和每一个角色,或许会随空气消失,余下零碎记忆片段,甚或灰飞烟灭,但我会不屑那些人看这出电影时,没有半点纯粹看电影的雅兴。After the film is over, its images and characters may well vanish into the air leaving little or no residue in your memory, yet I defy anybody to watch it without a tingle of pure moviegoing pleasure.