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按摩师替我推拿背。The masseur kneaded my back.

那个按摩师给我推拿了背。The masseur kneaded my back.

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假如要推拿服务,请拨打6969。If you need massage, please dail 6969.

本店是祖传推拿手法店。Our shop is the ancestral manipulation.

去做做推拿或者泡泡温泉,犒劳一下自己。Treat yourself to a massage or spa day.

她甚至还和一位犬科推拿师合作过。She even works with a canine chiropractor.

我是一个针灸和推拿治疗师。I am an acupuncturist and massage therapist.

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申国推拿按摩有助于调节气血。Chinese massage helps you to regulate qi and blood.

乐儿的脚好像扭到了,云狂给她推拿。LeEr feet like twisted, cloud crazy for her massage.

如斯推拿摩挲,不要让接受着的女性“下马”。Do this as a massage and not to get the receiver off.

整骨医生仔细而又熟练地给我推拿受伤的肩。The osteopath carefully manipulated my damaged shoulder.

流线形手柄能轻松推拿身体任何部位。Streamline form handle can massage the body easily any place.

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推拿头皮,改进血循环,防备头发变白。Massage the scalp, improve blood circulation, prevent hair white.

她脱臼的肩关节经小心推拿而复位。Her dislocated shoulder was carefully manipulated back into place.

久坐不可为,腰痛不特别。此时可推拿后溪穴。Sedentary for low back pain, not special. The massage Houxi point.

撩人地推拿和足底按摩是帮助她放松身体的好方法。Sensual massage and foot rub are great way to help relax her body.

整体观念是中医推拿历来遵循的原则。The integer concept is always the principle of Chinese Tui-na using.

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探讨推拿对颈源性眩晕的临床疗效。To explore the clinical cure effect of massage on cervical dizziness.

在闲步中也做上文提到的深呼吸和自我推拿运动。I also do the deep breathing and self-massage mentioned above as I do so.

花,烛光,推拿和音乐是走向他们的心灵之路。Flowers, candlelight, massage, and music are the way to this Venus' heart.