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开天辟地以来,那便是真理。That has been true since the world began.

这是中国历史上开天辟地的大事件。This is the history of an epoch-making event.

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用自己的话讲述“盘古开天辟地”的故事。In your own words, retell the legend, 'The Beginning of the World'

而盘古王开天辟地故事在民间广为流传。Wang and Pangu an epoch-making story in the civil widely circulated.

当祖先们从开天辟地时期醒来,他们就在大地上游荡。When the eternal ancestors arose, in the Dreamtime, they wandered the earth.

开天辟地的退出事件,折射出资本的艰难处境。From the epoch-making event, reflects the difficult situation of the capital.

在中国的野史中,记载的世界第一个人是盘古。开天辟地,并以躯体,创造了这个世界。Panggu was the first living being and the creator of all in Chinese mythology.

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乌干比库拉是开天辟地时期从荒芜中自我诞生的两个生命。The Ungambikula were two beings in the Dreamtime, self-created out of nothing.

人类初期用开天辟地的故事讲述自然时间。At the very early stage, mankind used the creation of the world to tell natural time.

讴歌我们的历史,有盘古开天辟地的神话,迸发出生命的光芒。Eulogizes our history, has the Pan Gu epoch-making myth, bursts out the life the ray.

人类正当的行为最后将得报以人间天堂,这也是创物者开天辟地的目标!People's right behavior finally results in the heaven on earth intended by whoever or whatever the creator is!

从这些天资聪颖、卧薪尝胆、开天辟地的华裔的故事中,我们可以看到从中国移民到澳洲后的真正好处。These wonderkids, hard-grafters and pioneers show some of the real benefits of immigration from China to Australia.

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沧州历史悠久,史前盘古开天辟地的传说地之一,就源于沧州青县盘古镇。Changzhou has a long history, prehistoric epoch-making Pangu legend and one of the town from Cangzhou Qingxian plate.

红土地上,开天辟地第一次有了自己的上市公司,老区洋溢着节日的喜庆气氛。Red on the ground, making for the first time listed companies have their own, old permeated with a festive atmosphere.

因为一个新的对手,一个强大的国家,正在出现,正在向美国面前走来,她开天辟地第一回进入了世界舞台。For the first time since it entered the world stage, the United States is facing the emergence of a new great power rival.

它仿佛是开天辟地就耸立在那里,在傈僳族古老的大洪水神话中,它就已经存在了。It seem is open day Bi land rise like a tower in there, in Li Su the big flood mythology of ancient clan in, it has existed.

但广告名不副实,这种拍卖并非是开天辟地头一遭,农民合法交易土地使用权已经好多年。But contrary to the villagers' advertising, it is hardly path-breaking. Peasants have been legally trading land-use rights for years.

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但广告名不副实,这种拍卖并非是开天辟地头一遭,农民合法交易土地使用权已经好多年。But contrary to the villagers’ advertising, it is hardly path-breaking. Peasants have been legally trading land-use rights for years.

你可能会认为,我们这个民族,如果喝足够多的咖啡,会记得开天辟地以来的每件事和图形。You would think that we, as a nation, would remember every fact and figure since the dawn of time, given the amount of coffee we consume.

缪斯们嗓音甜美,她们常常齐声歌颂宙斯的伟大、开天辟地的壮举以及英雄们的光辉业绩。The Muses had sweet voices and often sang as a chorus of Zeus' greatness, the origin of the world and the glorious deeds of the great heroes.