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他的正直感和公平竞争意识使他拒绝了这一提议。His sense of decency and fair play made him refuse the offer.

直感休息室服务休闲耀斑和轻松的气氛一整天。Xenia Lounge serves casual flare and a relaxed atmosphere all day long.

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小说有它的逻辑、推理、直感和假设。The novel has its logic, its reasonings, its intuition, and its postulates.

数学直感是形象思维的基本形式。The straight sense of mathematics is a basic form of the thinking in image.

首次发现特种稻米色素遗传存在花粉直感效应,我们称为种皮果皮直感效应。That indicated the rice red character genetic had the testa and fruit-cavity xenia.

今天你的直感和想象力都很强,这会另你感觉非常的富有创造力和艺术感。An increased level of ESP and imagination could have you feeling more creative and artistic than usual.

建议今后应加强运用现代生物技术手段重点研究花粉直感现象的作用机理。Modern biotechnology means are suggested to be used in the studies on mechanism of metaxenia in the future.

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“成心”即人的知觉直感不直接或不必然是负面的,只有当其被作为判断事物是非的唯一尺度时,它才有可能等同于成见、偏见。It turns to be prejudice or bias only when it is taken as the only measure for judging what is right or wrong.

提出并从理论上探索了人们基于参考点的事物效用值直感判断与抉择模型,并利用此模型对实例进行了解释。A utility model of intuition judgement and selection is built out and theoretical study on it is done in the paper.

提出一个让人参与,依靠人的直感,通过人机交互选用所需颜色的方法。It Proposes a selection methodology of required colors which makes use of human, intuition of man-machine interactions.

在这相位下出生的人,可以看穿肤浅的表面及有着良好的直感来抓出藏于任何情况下的真相。Those born with this aspect see beneath superficial surfaces and have a good grasp of the reality behind any situation.

行直回到心平家,心平将平安没有在伦敦读大学一事相告,行直感讶异。Line straight back to the flat family heart, heart flat will be safe, not reading university in London, raw feel surprised.

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结果表明,蜜梨相关性状的花粉直感效应主要来自父本遗传因素,不同栽培措施的影响则相对微弱。The results indicated that the metaxenia was mainly affected by paternal genetic factors, while weakly by the cultivated practices.

本文利用高油玉米的花粉直感效应及与普通玉米杂交的杂种优势效应,通过高油玉米与普通玉米杂交改善普通玉米的产量和品质。Pollen xenia of 'GY115 had a significant effect of raising oil content on common maize, but common varieties had different response to the raising effect.

结果表明,蜜梨相关性状的花粉直感效应主要来自父本遗传因素的影响,而不同栽培措施的影响则相对微弱。The results indicated that the metaxenia was mainly affected by paternal genetic factors. While weakly by the cultivated practices. The pollens from Emerals.

要获得韵律感、语言直感、言语情味感乃至存在意义上的生存语义感,首要的前提就是语体化语言的生成。Secondly, to acquire such three sensible intuitions, and to acquire the living meaning on the sense of being, the stylistic language must come into being firstly.

本文利用高油玉米的花粉直感效应及与普通玉米杂交的杂种优势效应,通过高油玉米与普通玉米杂交改善普通玉米的产量和品质。Both yield and quality of common maize grains are improved by crossing high oil maize as male parent and common maize as female parent due to maize heterosis and xenia.

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首先,我的个人品质较好地符合工作需要。我所具备的正直感和责任心是此行业人员必备的素质。Firstly, my own personal quality matches the requirement of the job well. Integrity and responsibility guarantee that I'm the kind of person that this industry is looking for.

综述果树生产中花粉直感对果实品质及果实成熟期的影响,以及花粉直感作用机理的研究现状。This paper summarizes the effects of metaxenia on fruit quality and fruit maturation period during the fruit production and the research status on action mechanism of metaxenia.

不同基因型玉米进行间作时,在考虑利用花粉直感的同时一定要兼顾其它性状的搭配,才有利于产量的进一步提高。When carrying out reasonable intercropping in different genotypes maize, we should take into account other traits while using xenia effects, which would favor more increase in yield.