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我不想把扁桃腺切除。I don't want my tonsils out.

内壁上的息肉一般是要切除的。Polyps are generally removed.

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阉牛是切除了睾丸的公牛。A bullock is a castrated bull.

结果全部病灶获得手术切除。Results All foci were ablated.

医生切除了他的扁桃腺。The doctor cut out his tonsils.

前列腺切除后小便失禁咋办?Incontinence after prostatectomy?

但是,我如果明天切除扁桃腺。But if I have my tonsils out tomorrow.

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在肾脏切除后,症状消失。After nephrectomy, he was symptom-free.

我们要通过切除来治疗癌症吗?Are we treating cancer by cutting it out?

为什么他会在结肠息肉切除?Why did he go in for colon polyp removal?

狼爪可以切除,足爪与前肢相同。Dewclaws may be removed. Feet as in front.

我的狗在动物医院被切除了卵巢。Our dog got altered at the animal hospital.

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外科医生从她的颈部切除了一个瘤子。The surgeon removed a growth from her neck.

手术切除是主要的治疗方法。Cystectomy is the basic method of treatment.

那座庙将用来作为切除缝合室。The temple will serve for an operating room.

胆囊息肉切除后可以喝酒吗?。Can after is cystic polyp excised, you drink?

行根治性手术切除后,未见复发。There was no relapse after radical operation.

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垂体切除,VP含量变化?Do excision , VP contents change a hypophysis?

神经纤维瘤一般行手术切除。General travel operation excises nerve fibroma.

并观察术后切除椎板再生情况。Regeneration of exscinded laminae was observed.