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热学,动力学理论,和热动力学。Heat, Kinetic Theory, and Thermodynamics.

物理学包括力学,热学,光学,电学等。The physics includes mechanics, heat, light, electricity, etc.

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中等学校热学演示物体热胀冷缩实验用。To demonstrate expansion and contraction of solids at physical experiments in middle school.

热分析和热学设计是飞机刹车机轮设计工作的主要内容之一。Thermal-analysis and thermal design are important parts in adrift braking wheel assembly designing.

本文阐述一种借助热声耦合装置来检测固体材料热学性质的方法。This paper introduces the thermo-acoustic coupling method to measure the thermal properties of solids.

该文对“令鸡子飞”的可能性作了新的推想,并运用现代热学知识予以解释。This paper deal with the possibility of make the eggshell fly in the air , and gives a new explanation.

研究三醋酸纤维素和二醋酸纤维素的结晶结构和热学性能。Crystalline structure and thermal property of cellulose triacetate and cellulose diacetate were studied.

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冰的熔解热的测量是许多高校所开设的热学实验之一。The measurement in heat of fusion of ice is one of experiments in thermodynamics done in many universities.

主要从热学角度分析和研究温度对于颜色色度及色差的影响。This paper discussed that influence of temperature on the chromaticity and color difference from thermology.

采用DSC、XRD、SEM等研究了赤泥微晶玻璃的热学特性、相组成以及微观形貌。The crystal phases and microstructure of the as-received glass-ceramics are investigated by DSC, XRD, and SEM.

我利用有关热学科技来煮茶,红扑扑的脸时常变换颜色。When the tea is ready the thermochromic technology comes into play. Watch me blush and change my colors all the way!

用热学传递函数分析了长圆筒壁的导热动态特性。Also, the dynamical property on the heat conduction of long cylinder is analyzed through the thermal transfer function.

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众所周知金刚石是一种在机械、热学、光学、化学、电子学等方面具有极限性能的特殊材料。Diamond is one kind of limited functional material in the region of mechanics, thermology, optics, chemic and electronics.

通过实验方法研究了空调蓄冷材料的相变温度、相变潜热和比热等热学性能。This paper introduces test apparatus characteristics of phase change temperature and latent heat of a cool storage material.

本文用普通物理热学的知识推导出焦尔-汤姆逊系数的定量分析公式。In this paper we derive the quantitative analysis formula of Joule-Thomsonian coefficient from the knowledge of common physics.

对纳米线的力学和热学稳定性分析表明,螺旋线的综合稳定性优于晶状线。Analyses about mechanic and thermal stabilities show that helical structures are more favorable than crystalline configurations.

本文简要地综述了近年来溶胶-凝胶工艺在电子陶瓷、光学、热学、化学、以及复合材料等领域中的应用。In this paper, the applications in electronic ceramics, optical, thermal, chemical, and composite materials were briefly reviewed.

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电子陶瓷拥有优良的电学、热学和机械性能,是电子工业中使用广泛的高技术材料。Electronic ceramic, a high-tech material applied in electronic industry, has excellent electronic, thermal and mechanical properties.

在进行小尺寸样品或者慢加热速率的量热学实验时,常常需要使用微热量测量技术。Microcalorimetry techniques are often required when performing calorimetric experiments with small sample sizes or slow heating rates.

本文论述了目标教学的各个环节,以及在热学等课程中实施目标教学所取得的成果。This paper discusses all the links in the goal teaching and the positive results of it when put into practice in such courses as heat.