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别太凶猛地拦截我。Don't tackle me too hard.

一款非常直观的广告拦截器。A very intuitive ad blocker.

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这叫做拦截器。These are called interceptors.

削减所有拦截高达对带锯。Cut all the blocks up on the band saw.

苹果在2008年拦截了播客应用。Apple blocked a podcasting app in 2008.

你有没有因超超速曾被人拦截?Have you ever been stopped for speeding?

比如,当他出水痘时,他称水痘为“小鸡点”,他把高速公路上的锥形路标称作“道路拦截者”。Motorway cones he calls "road-stoppers".

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第三垒守垒员做了一些不可思议的拦截。The third baseman made some remarkable stops.

每一枚拦截弹都会在顶部携带一架EKV。Each interceptor will carry an EKV in its tip.

外部化拦截器通常是最佳实践。It is usually best to externalize interceptors.

那名夺路飞逃的小偷让警察给拦截住了。The running thief was headed off by the police.

首先他们拦截含有可疑词汇或链接的电邮,然后他们将垃圾邮件制造者使用的地址列入黑名单。Then they blacklisted addresses used by spammers.

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当夫特林拦截他的时候,发生了什么事吗?Did something happen to it when Flint blocked him?

请确保您关闭您的弹出窗口拦截器。Please make sure you turn off your pop-up blocker.

在Hubologist更正墙基拦截器的问题。Corrected wall blocker issue in the Hubologist base.

我们的战斗机能拦截敌人的轰炸机吗?。Can our fighter-planes intercept the enemy's bombers?

如果您启用了弹出式拦截器,那么它可能不会启动。If you have a pop-up blocker enabled it may not launch.

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但是,用来拦截HARM的黑匣子真有这么危险吗?But is the black box intended to stop HARM so dangerous?

他们的首个拦截导弹系统竟然是导弹中段拦截。The first interceptor they announce is a mid course one.

镜子表面的拦截,梁成直角。The mirror surfaces intercept the beams at right angles.