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啤酒成份是麦、槐花、水或矿泉水。Beer is made of hop, herb, water or something else.

槐花的主要化学成分有哪些?What kind of chemicals are there in the Flos Sophorae?

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千呼万唤天上来,满山遍野槐花开。Numerous calls from the sky, the hillsides Huaihua open.

槐花比色法含量测定的原理是什么?What is the principle of the photometric assay of this drug?

为了进行黄槐花中叶黄素的提取试验。The purpose was to carry out the test of extracting the lutein from Cassia surattensis Burm flowers.

该实验结果为进一步开发和利用槐花提供了理论依据。ConclusionThe results provide a theoretical basis for further development and use of S. japonica . L.

试验了一种从槐花中提取黄酮类物质芦丁的新方法——微波辅助碱水法。A new method of extracting Rutin from Pagoda-tree flowers by microwave irradiation with Alkali-base was developed.

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槐花,有一枚枚小铃铛似的花瓣,因为细碎而显得纤瘦,当然算不得十分美丽。Sophorae, there are a small bell-like petals of gold, because it is minor and , of course, very beautiful lot of money.

方法采用薄层色谱法对本制剂中的土茯苓、六月雪、大黄、槐花进行定性鉴别。Method Rhizoma smilacis glabrae, Herba serissae japonicae, Radix et Rhizoma rhei and Flos sophorae were identified by TLC.

结果对土茯苓、槐花、苍术和黄柏进行定性鉴别。Results Rhizoma Smilacis Glabra-e, Flos Sophorae, Rhizoma Atractylodis and Cortex Phellodendri could be identified by TLC.

本文主要对槐花中总黄酮的提取以及总黄酮单体—芦丁和槲皮素的分离提纯进行了研究。We mainly research on the flavone extraction of the Sophora japonica and the separation of rutin and quercetin in this study.

也可将槐花烘干,研成细粉,掺入白面粉中发酵后成馒头食用。Also can spend the pagoda tree stoving, grind fine pink, mix into ferments into flour pink edible of epigenesis steamed bread.

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暮色越来越浓,夜色降临,我却不想离去,真想就这样躺着,躺着,嗅着槐花的清香,望着那远远的星光。Ever stronger dusk, dark, and I do not want to leave, so really want to lay, lay, fragrance Sophorae ?looked at the stars that far.

桃花谢了梨花一树一树的白,五月的风吹起起的时候槐花便像风铃一样挂满了粗大的枝干。Thanks peach of a pear tree a white tree, starting from May the wind will be like when Sophorae Campanula hung like a thick branches.

槐花为豆科植物槐的干燥花及花蕾,主要用于抗炎、止血、抗病毒等作用。Sophora japonica is the flowers and buds of Sophora japonica L. mostly used in resisting inflammation, hemostasia, antivirus, and so on.

本文研究旨在观察自拟方槐花合剂保留灌肠治疗溃疡性直肠炎的临床疗效。The purpose of this paper is to observe the retention enema with Sophorae mixture for treatment of ulcerative rectitis in clinical efficacy.

目的比较生槐花、炒槐花、槐花炭及其提取物芦丁、槲皮素、鞣质的止血作用。To compare the hemostatic effect of Flos Sophorae in crude, parched and carbonized forms and its extracts, including rutin, quercetin and tannin.

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介绍以槐花为原料,生产槐花酒的工艺流程。该产品不仅营养价值高,风味独特,而且还具有一定的保健作用。This paper reports the process of making flower of locust -tree liquor, The product has not only high nutritive value and special flavor, but also health function.

预示在食品加工业中,槐花精油可以取代山梨酸钾作为栅栏因子抑制致病菌的生长繁殖,从而提高食品的安全性。This indicated that essential oil can replace potassium sorbate as a hurdle factor inhibiting the growth of pathogens and enhancing food safety during food process.

“乾坤力”牌花果茶以亳州地产的优质原料菊花、薄荷、槐花、大枣、桔梗、决明子为组方。"Qiankunli" brand nectar flowers to the high-quality raw materials Bozhou real estate chrysanthemum, mint, Huaihua, jujube, Campanulaceae, cassia side for the group.