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干尸身上的精美纹身有何深意?What did the mummy's elaborate tattoos mean?

差斥的尸身终于摆在了验尸台上。Poor denounced the corpse was finally placed in the postmortem stage.

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不但如此,那些做妻子的还要争着与丈夫底尸身一同烧死呢。Nay, the wives strive to be burned with the corpses of their husbands.

林震南看白二的尸身,见他衣裳已被人解开,身上并无血迹。Bai's clothes had been unbuttoned, and clearly, there were no bloodstains.

许多受害者的尸身被他们埋躲正在位于格罗斯特郡克罗威我街25号的家中。They buried many of their victims under their home at 25 Cromwell Street, Gloucester.

当摩梯末医师观察尸身时,他发现这现实上正是所发作的状况。When Dr Mortimer looked at the body, he found that this was, in fact, what had happened.

接着,她瞪大了眼睛,因为她发觉到那具尸身的鼻孔里俄然吸出气来。Her eyes widened as she felt a sudden emission of air coming from the nostrils of the corpse.

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等到人死后埋入地下,黑灰就会在尸身腐烂的过程中沈积在肋骨内侧。After burial and during the decay of the body, the soot was deposited on the inside of the ribs.

又将扫罗的军装放在亚斯他录庙里,将他的尸身钉在伯珊的城墙上。They put his armor in the temple of Ashtaroth, and they fastened his body to the wall of Beth-shan.

军官们尸身上散布着附近果园里飘来石竹花和白色苹果花。Unforgettably, their bodies were sprinkled with pink and white apple blossom petals from an adjacent orchard.

那个男的查看了会儿尸身,这才试图遮住妻子的眼睛,妻子早已躲到一边去了。The man studied the corpse for a moment, then tried shielding his wife's eyes, but she had already turned away.

2011年5月1日晚,美国官员暗示本·拉登已经衰亡,美政府已经找到他的尸身。On May 1, 2011, U. S. officials say late death osama bin laden has the American authorities have found his corpse.

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因此,倘若尸身被置于火场中,会完全扭曲外消旋化技术所判断的牙齿外观年龄——尸身被置于沙漠也同理。So being in a fire will totally distort a tooth’s apparent age via this technique — as might being left in a desert.

一位13岁男孩在禁锢中被杀,他支离破裂的尸身使得叙利亚德拉城的抗议怒火越燃越高。The mutilation and death in custody of a 13-year-old child has sparked further furious protests in Syrian city of Daraa.

当一个修建物被摧毁时,在此中的尸身都将被移除,以是此刻她们将不会再飘浮在空中。When a building is destroyed any corpses that are with in the building are removed, so they are not floating in the air.

据说,奥茨拥有神秘的力量,若触犯了他的尸身,必死无疑。With the death of several people who have touched the remains of the ancient man, the "Otzi curse" mystery has snowballed.

他还得再铲去几英尺的土——要想让乔治的尸身不会被老鼠什么的翻出来的话。He still needs to shovel out another couple of feet, if George's remains aren't going to be picked over by rats or whatever.

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在一个长桌上,亨利·阿姆斯特朗的赤裸尸身紧绷绷地躺在那�堙A而头部沾满了血迹和泥土,那显然是遭铁铲击打所致。Stretched naked on a long table lay the body of Henry Armstrong , the head defiled with blood and clay from a blow with a spade.

这是美国陆军第一起尸体试验,在试验中,LaGarde将裸体尸身从屋顶悬吊下来,每具尸体喂了一打子弹。In the Army's first-ever corpse experiment, LaGarde suspended naked cadavers from the ceiling and shot each of them a dozen times.

狄公率众军头突袭沙府,果然,在后堂的地窖中找到了失踪银匠的尸身。Sha Tau army raid mobilize people Digong House, as expected, in the cellar after the Church found the bodies of missing silversmith.