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不过像太阳眷顾下的金盏花。But as the marigold at the sun's eye.

金盏花能够给你银币和金币。Marigolds give you silver and gold coins.

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今晚,加上点缀的金盏花沙拉。Calendula peppered salad for supper tonight

金盏花全效舒缓B.B。美颜霜★。Calendula & Licorice Perfect Soothing B. B. Cream.

金盏花叶汁也有除斑的功效。Calendula also has spot removers leaf juice effect.

像金盏花这类花,在光照下开放。Flowers such as the marigold open on exposure to light.

红茶,金盏花,红花,香柠檬油。Black tea, marigold petals, safflowers, and bergamot oil.

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每一款产品中都包含数之不尽的金盏花花瓣。Every kind of product includes uncountable marigold petal.

我们把金盏花霜涂在他们的脸上作为保湿霜。We put the Calendula cream on their face as a moisturizer.

我在与一些罗勒和一些金盏花种植它们。I put them in a planter with some basil and a few marigolds.

金盏花中萃取出来的叶黄素是一种很有效的抗氧化物。Xanthophyll from the marigold flower is a potent antioxidant.

金盏花是奉献给南美洲阿兹台克人的一种花。The marigold flower was sacred to the Aztecs of South America.

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里面含有大麻以及桔子和金盏花的味道。It contains hemp oil as well as the smell of orange and patchouli.

绿茶,金盏花,橘子皮,矢车菊,玫瑰花瓣,天然香料。Green tea, marigold petals, orange peel, cornflowers, rose petals and.

金盏花可配搭柠檬片,薄荷,紫罗兰或马鞭草。Calendula may mix with lemon slice, peppermint, blue mallow or Verbena.

淘宝旗舰店用了所有山羊奶的产品,这款金盏花的味道是最好的。I use all of Canus goat milk products, and the Marigold scent is the best.

有机金盏花,洋甘菊,白茶植物性协调和补充。Organic Calendula, Chamomile and White Tea botanicals harmonize and replenish.

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有机金盏花,洋甘菊,白茶植物药协调和补充肌肤。Organic Calendula, Chamomile and White Tea botanicals harmonize and replenish skin.

金盏花面部保湿霜保护和关怀宝宝细嫩的面部肌肤。Weleda Calendula Face Cream protects and cares for your baby's delicate facial skin.

常喝金盏花茶也能帮助舒缓经期不顺几改善更年期的障碍。Regular drinking of Calendula tea also helps to ease Mentrual and menopause symptoms.