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同样西去的还有大多数老一辈革命家。So had most of the veteran revolutionaries.

老一辈人还记得昔日晴朗的天空。The older people remember days of clear-aired yore.

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但是她接着说,这些比较符合老一辈。But she added that this applies to older generations.

提起东莱银行,老一辈的青岛人没有不知道的。Filed Donglai Bank, Qingdao older people do not do not know.

经过老一辈植物专家几十年的采集、研究,先后发表了17科34属49种模式标本。There are 49 species of type specimens in 34 genera of 17 families.

必须做出调整的是我们这些老一辈人。It's those of us in the older generation who have to make adjustments.

陈乐素教授便是最早从事宋史研究的老一辈学者之一。Prof. Chen Lesu is one of the earliest scholars who started the study.

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阿斯麦先生说“老一辈更适应国家现状“。"The older generation is more accommodating of the state, " says Mr Azmy.

问问老一辈的人或者朋友,看他们是否记得你出生前的事情。Ask older family or friends what they remember from times before you were born.

那里住着很多年轻的艺术家和老一辈的艺术家。There are a lot of young artists and older artists, too, that live in that area

现在中国的年轻一代已不像老一辈那样以工作为重心。Now the Chinese younger generation is not as job-oriented as the older generations.

老一辈制造出来的空洞理论,年轻一辈将它们打破。The older generation blows bubbles, and the young-developger generation breaks them.

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在中国旱厕的习惯很难改变,特别是老一辈们。Squat toilet habits are hard to break in China, particularly among the older generation.

老一辈的风暴追逐者怀念只有他们少数几个人追逐龙卷风的日子。Older storm chasers miss the days when there were only the few of them chasing tornadoes.

欧森同时注意到了在老一辈和年轻一辈的男同志之间有一道真实的“断裂的鸿沟”。Olson also noted a real "disconnect" between the older and younger generation of gay men.

当他敢于对老一辈的大师发表评论意见时,他也就失去了宫廷的位置。When he dared to publish a criticism of the older masters, he lost his standing at court.

露比?迪表示她强烈支持让儿童听到老一辈人的故事这样的项目。Ruby Dee says she strongly supports efforts for children to hear the stories of older people.

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他经常穿着笔挺的白衬衣,打着领带,似乎乐于扮演老一辈学者型政治家的角色。Often in a crisp white shirt and tie, he seems happy to play the professorial elder statesman.

今年是老一辈无产阶级革命家彭真诞辰100周年。This year is birthday of Peng Zhen of revolutionist of older generation proletariat 100 years.

老一辈们用它来形容刚从美国东部大城市回来的一类人。Old-timers used it to describe a man who had just arrived from one of the big cities back east.