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我要买一只原子笔。I want a ballpoint pen.

请用蓝色原子笔填写。Use a blue ball-point pen.

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请用原子笔书写。Please write with ball pen.

用原子笔写下你的名字。Use a pen to write your name.

我到处寻找我的原子笔。I looked all over for my ball pen.

这些原子笔可以从各个方向书写。These biros can all write upside down.

这枝是自动铅笔还是原子笔?Is this a mechanical pencil or a ballpoint pen?

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我们卖铅笔,也买原子笔。We sell pencils, and also sell ball-point pens.

我也要买铅笔,也要买原子笔。I want to buy both a pencil and a ball-point pen.

请以正阶及原子笔填写以下各栏。Please complete all parts in BLOCK LETTERS and with PEN.

原子笔太粗了,铅笔不但太粗大而且太粗糙。A ball-point pen's too big. A pencil's too big and rough.

请用黑色或深篮色原子笔或墨水笔,以正楷填写各项。Please complete the form in block letters and in black ink.

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请用黑色墨水笔或原子笔,以正楷填写各项。Please complete every item in block letters and in black ink.

本申请表格各部份必须以墨水笔╱原子笔清楚填妥,方为有效。To be valid, you must complete all parts of this Application Form.

请用黑色或藍色原子笔以英文正楷填写各项。Please complete this form in English BLOCK letters with black or blue ink.

请用正楷及黑色或蓝色原子笔清楚填写表格。Please complete legibly all parts in BLOCK LETTERS and in BLACK or BLUE INK.

功课必须用A4纸印出来,用蓝色原子笔作答。Your homework must be printed on A4 paper with answers given in blue ball pens.

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如手写请用黑色或深蓝色原子笔,以正楷填写本表格。For handwriting, please complete every item in block letters and in black or blue ink.

请用黑色墨水或原子笔及用英文或中文填写。如空格不够填写,请另附纸。Please use black ink or ball-pen to complete in English or Chinese. Attach extra sheets, if necessary.

产品包括金笔、墨水笔、宝珠笔、原子笔、打火机、收藏笔等。Products include pen, fountain pen, roller pen, ball pen, lighter, limited edition pen, collectible pen.