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我爱你啊!姜大成!I love you! Kang Daesung!

多数有大成的公司最初都有两个或三个创始人。Most of the big successes have two or three.

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大成生化科技集团有限公司…Global Bio-Chem Technology Group Company Ltd.

他们可真坏。维特的头也没大成这样啊!They are mean. Victor's head is not that big.

“你看校服,我们大成的。”王锐说。"Look at the suit, our Dachenger" Wangrui said.

大成殿九脊顶,七开间,造型宏伟。Dacheng Dian ridge top nine, seven-room, the grand style.

大成道,南洋理工大学,新加坡。Dacheng Tao, Nanyang Technological University, Singapore.

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大成当即决定偷拿这笔钱去赌博。Dacheng immediately decided to steal the money to gamble.

老舍是集传统精神之大成的现代知识分子。Lao She is a modern intellectual of traditional Chinese spirits.

德州大成食品有限公司是一家采用高新技术进行特种玉米深加工的企业。Is a high-tech for the use of special corn deep processing enterprises.

大成镇物阜民丰,人杰地灵,是广西著名的“香蕉之乡”。Fu Shing town properties Freeman, outstanding, Guangxi famous "banana town."

长大成树,天上的飞鸟,宿在它的枝上。It grew and became a tree, and the birds of the air perched in its branches.

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1990年拜大成拳中兴之主王选杰先生为师。ZTE in 1990 thanks to the Lord Dachengquan Mr. Wang Xuanjie for the division.

因此他被中华民族尊奉为大成至圣先师。Therefore, he was enshrined in the Chinese sage and teacher for the Tai Shing.

王夫之乃中国古代身体哲学思想的集其大成者。Wang Fuzhi was the synthesizer of ideologies of body philosophy in ancient China.

您好,这里是大成国中总务处,有什麽需要帮忙的吗?Hello, this is General Affairs Office of Dacheng Junior High School . May I help you?

念大学有助于强化思考力,从而导致于人生中取得更大成便。Going to college helps build a strong mind, which leads to greater success in one's life.

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大成律师事务所成立于1992年,是中国最大的综合性律师事务所之一。Dacheng Law Offices, Founded in 1992, is one of the largest law firms providing full services.

大成律师事务所成立于1992年,是中国最大的综合性律师事务所之一。Founded in 1992, Dacheng Law Offices is one of the largest law firms of full services in China.

大成殿内顶部,草以下设天花板,中央置藻井,屋架总高7米。Great hall top of a grass below the ceiling, the central home caisson, the roof seven meters high.