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我不喜欢你的影射。I don't appreciate your innuendoes.

他用与老有关的词影射人们。So he primed people with "old" words.

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我并未影射如何人或任何事。I didn't allude to anybody or anything.

我并未影射如何人或任何事。I didn't insinuate anybody or anything.

我并未影射任何人或任何事。I didn't allude to anybody or anything.

故事影射她过去生活中的一个秘密。The story alluded to a mystery in her past.

这张专辑上对家庭的影射就此止步。The familial allusion was left off the album.

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或者积极的,但对积极影射的研究不够。Or positively-- but not enough from positively.

主席在会议上影射亨德森。The chairman talked at Henderson at the meeting.

这些指控和影射与事实不符。The facts did not support the accusations and innuendos.

编写模板被影射到演示模板。Authoring templates are mapped to presentation templates.

用与“老“相关的词影射过的人的记忆力。The memory of the people who were primed with "old" words.

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他一直受到新闻界指桑骂槐的影射。He had been subject to a campaign of innuendo in the press.

伪善、欺骗、影射和诽谤。Hypocrisy double-dealing innuendo and character assassination.

又如何在法律的框架下定义影射与暗示?How can the framework of the legal definition of insinuate and imply?

本文从语用学的角度研究了影射言语行为。This thesis studies innuendo speech act from the angle of pragmatics.

确切的说,这是一个被搬上银幕影射流行文化的大杂烩。Rather, it's a hodge-podge of pop culture references thrown onto the screen.

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确切的说,这是一个被搬上银幕影射流行文化的大杂烩。Rather, it’s a hodge-podge of pop culture references thrown onto the screen.

在规划中,它的形状让人想到玫瑰或蔷薇——一个恰当的对萝实学院的影射。In plan, its shape recalls a rose or rosette—a fitting allusion for Le Rosey.

它所影射的哲理无时不刻的影响着人们的生活、工作和学习。It insinuated philosophy influence people's life, work and study all the time.