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他被禁闭在一间屋里。He was shut in a room.

我住在一间新屋里。I live in a new house.

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她把自己锁在屋里了。She locked herself in.

他们从门口向屋里张望。They look in at the door.

他们住在向阳的屋里。They live in a sunny room.

屋里热烘烘的。It's very warm in the room.

我听见她在屋里唱过歌。I hear her sing in the room.

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他被猛推进屋里。He was hustled into the room.

此情此景使屋里的人顿时笑作一团。The room burst into laughter.

他整天闷闷不乐地呆在屋里。He moped in the house all day.

他带她在屋里跳华尔滋舞。He waltzed her round the room.

他被冷落在屋里的角落。He was slighted in the corner.

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一家九口挤在一间屋里。His family pig it in one room.

他带她在屋里跳华尔兹舞。He waltzed her across the room.

别在屋里抡绳子。Don't whirl the rope in the room.

他的宝贝狗娃一下子就窜进屋里去了。His pet dog nipped into the room.

请救我出去!我被闩在屋里头了。Please let me out! I'm bolted in.

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有人把我推进了屋里。Someone hunched me into the room.

阳光照射进屋里,映在她的脸上。Sunlight streamed in on her face.

他傻头傻脑地向屋里张望。He peeped into the room foolishly.