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在车没有停稳之前请不要站起来。Don't stand up before the vehicle has parked.

火车还没停稳,他就跳上了月台。Ting Wen before the train, he jumped onto the platform.

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在飞机完全停稳前,请不要离开您的座位。Please remain seated until the plane has come to a complete stop.

可是,还没等他把车完全停稳,就围上来一群人。He had not done so wholly, however, before a crowd gathered about.

在飞机停稳前请乘客不要离开座位。Passengers are requested to remain seated till the aircraft stops.

船几乎停稳了,然后他又慢慢地向人行道靠过来。The headway ran almost out, and he drew up slowly toward the sidewalk.

飞机停稳了,我也明白了早已为我安排的命运。The plane landed and I understood what had long been determined for me.

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飞机完全停稳以前,请不要离开座位。Please remain in your seat until the aircraft comes to a complete standstill.

他知道,巴士司机每站未必都会停稳!He knows the bus drivers don't always come to a complete stop at every bus stop!

一旦车辆停稳,选择倒档,然后松开离合器Once the vehicle is secure, select reverse and then take your foot off the clutch

大巴停了,停稳后一边响铃一边通告乘客到站清车了。At the bus stop, the announcement to passengers on a stationary bus was as clear as a bell.

乘客应该按顺序上下车,车未完全停稳时不能下车。Passengers should get on or get off the bus in order and can't off the bus until it stop totally.

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孩子们应当耐心等待至校车停稳,车门打开后再进入车行道。Children should wait until the bus has stopped and the door opens before stepping out onto the roadway.

车子停稳后,上来一个拄着拐杖的老太太,好像眼睛还不大好使,弓着背。When the bus stopped smoothly, an old granny with a stick got up. It's seems that her eyes is not well.

他的心砰砰跳着,巴勒谢瓦冲到门口,从还没停稳的车上跳了下去。His heart hammering his chest, Baleshwar shoved himself to the door, and jumped off the still-moving train.

等飞机完全停稳后,请你再解开安全,整理好手提物品准备下飞机。After the plane completely stops, please loose your safety belt, pack up your dunnage and prepare to leave the plane.

等飞机完全停稳后,请你再解开安全,整理好手提物品准备下飞机。After the plane stops, please unfasten the safty belt, pack up your handy luggage and get ready for get off the plane.

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开一个长打球,将助你一臂之力,让你在第二杆登上果岭,否则,你必须让球停稳在峡谷边上。A long tee shot helps your chances of going at the green on the second shot. Otherwise a lay up short of the canyon is called for.

它缓缓停稳了,我便从它身上拣出那些给我的爱,然后举起手,轻轻吹气,给它再次起航的动力。It slowly stopped, I from its body out those who give me love, then raised his hand, gently blowing, giving it the power to sail again.

京洛乘坐的人工三轮车刚刚刚刚停稳,他便一度正步跳上去,一块大洋落到了车夫的手心。Beijing on artificial tricycle just los stationary, and he just once just step jump to a piece of the ocean, fall to the driver"s palm."