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第三,因势利导,推动联合国发展领域改革。Maintaining the momentum of UN reform in the area of development.

一旦一种情绪有了名字,声音或者身份,你就能因势利导。Once a feeling has a name, voice or identity, you can work with it.

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应当因势利导发挥比较优势,增强农产品的国际市场竞争力。We should improve the competition of the produces with their compared advantages.

这就要求我们必须因势利导调整农业结构,加快农业升级的步代。So we must adjust our agricultural structure in time and quicken the pace of agricultural upgrade.

我们应该开始提出各种问题,因势利导,以图在男男性行为干预上能最终取得突破。Rather, we should start asking questions that may lead to a breakthrough for HIV intervention among MSM.

只要我们因势利导,化害为益、一定会使二氧化碳成为人类的有用功臣。As long as we provide guidance for the benefit of victims we will become mankind's carbon dioxide useful hero.

听觉型-视觉型-动觉型-触觉型学习者,训练策略应是充分发挥各自的认知优势,因势利导。For the auditory, visual, kinesthetic and tactile , we should take full advantage of different cognitive styles.

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法恩劝解我们大家,不要打击女儿们的公主梦,而是要因势利导。Fine exhorts us all, then, not to discourage our daughters' harmless awe of princesses, but rather to nurture it.

并在保护大栅栏地区历史文化风貌的前提下,因势利导的创造适应这些活动、仪式和新经济因素的正空间。And on the condition of conservation, we are supposed to produce positive space that compares with these activities.

该建筑结构因势利导,利用现有地势构建。Built according to existing site topography, the structure of the center further accentuates what was already there.

我们对巨变因势利导,始终扩展美国的机会,把它推向新的天地,惠及越来越多的人。We made change work for us, always extending America's promise outward, to the next frontier, to more and more people.

而作为老师的我们,应及时抓住幼儿的“闪光点”因势利导,会收到意想不到的效果的。As teachers we should promptly seize the children, " bright spot" in the light of its general trend, will get beat all effect.

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教师应了解学生的认知方式及其特点并因势利导,以提高学生英语阅读能力。Only by complying with the learners' cognitive styles and directing them properly can the students develop their reading abilities.

因此,因势利导发展贫困地区农村劳务经济是提高贫困地区农村农民收入的现实需要。Therefore, developing the labor economy in rural poor area is the actual need of increasing the farmers' income, according to the situation.

因此,因势利导发展农村劳务经济是提高农村农民收入的现实需要。Therefore, developing the labor-service economy in rural area is the actual need of increasing the farmers' income, according to the situation.

本文通过对城郊化发展规律的分析,为我国大都市因势利导进行城郊化建设提供依据。The analyses of sub urbanization in this paper provide some conclusions that will be useful for our metropolitan development in the next decade.

趋势如此,做为一个有出息的公司又岂能不顺应潮流趋势,因势利导,放弃没有前途的上游,而扬长避短,专心于做好项目盖好房。The trend, the company also can serve as a promise not to the trends according to abandon no future upstream, and exceed, on a project covered in the Housing.

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汽车企业只有充分利用这个政策所带来的市场机会,因势利导,发现和创造需求,才会使得自己受益,才会提高国家政策的执行效果和实行的初衷。Auto makers will benefit from maximizing the strength of market and improving the occasion through creating demands, thus realizing the goal of the state policy.

的战略原则,强调因势利导,弹性用兵方能克敌制胜。"Building forces upon advantageous basis", this strategy of war emphasizes the necessity of leading by trend, only flexibility in fighting may conquer the enemy and win.

机智地处理课堂教学中的偶发事件,实质就是或因势利导,或抛砖引玉,或移花接木,巧妙地把话题转移,摆脱眼前的窘境。Tact to deal with classroom teaching in an accident, or to capitalize on the trend is real, or forward, or deceitful act, subtly shift the topic, from the current dilemma.