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道路内脚踏车车道?。On-street Bike Lane?

道路外脚踏车车道?。Off-street Bike Lane?

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我骑脚踏车去那儿。I got there by bicycle.

我骑着脚踏车上山。I pedaled my bicycle up.

我的脚踏车需要补缀。My bike needs repairing.

如何撬开脚踏车锁?How to pick a bicycle lock?

这脚踏车是艾咪的。The bicycle belongs to Amy.

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你的脚踏车需要修理。Your bicycle needs repairing.

就这样,我租了一辆粉红色的机器脚踏车。And so the pink moped is mine.

她一路骑脚踏车去超市。He pedaled off on his bicycle.

看看脚踏车上的那一家子!Look at that family on a moped!

王先生在修他的脚踏车。Mr. Wang is fixing hellos bike.

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他将脚踏车放在车棚内。He left his bicycle in the shed.

他骑脚踏车去叫泥瓦匠。He pedaled off to summon a mason.

他骑脚踏车去叫泥瓦匠。He pedalled off to summon a mason.

亨利戏称它为“四轮驱动脚踏车。”Henry called it the “Quadricycle”.

王先生帮我修脚踏车。Mr. Wang fixed the bicycle for me.

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我们骑着脚踏车前进,大声歌颂着。We bicycled along, singing loudly.

这种款式的脚踏车是最新式的。This type of bicycle is up to date.

是代表单轮脚踏车很发光和新。U is for unicycle so shiny and new.