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草木枯荣分四时,一岁月有十二圆。Vegetation Kurong four, a round twelve years.

每天四时左右我就觉得很饿了。Every day at about four o'clock I get very hungry.

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四时结子,叶脱亦无时,随落随生。Ever-green knots, leaves fall off also hosts, with with life.

我明天午后三时到四时之间来看你。I will come to see you between three and four tomorrow afternoon.

于是他们向我提供了一份全职工作,希望我大四时能够回去工作。and then they offered me a full time job to come back as a senior.

四时有酒兼有花,百年无丧亦无得。Both seasons have wine flowers, no mourning nor was a hundred years.

大四时,我勉强认为这是个机会。So when I was a senior, I had marginally considered this is an option.

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清溪一曲,其风光旖旎,四时不辍,每天好像都是令节佳日,每月都有新的点缀。Indeed the river is a perpetual gala, and boasts each month a new ornament.

周三四时,你收到一条短信,问你周末有什么打算。In the middle of the week, you get one asking what you’re up to this weekend.

凌晨四时左右,巴基斯坦安全部队开来了庞大的特遣队,对那间房子展开突袭。At around 4 a.m., a large contingent of Pakistani security forces raided the home.

尤以高山垂直散布的四时风光最具吸收力。Particularly in the four seasons Alpine vertical distribution of the most attractive.

自己家住在四时春城3号楼一单位502室,自己每个房间都清扫得干洁净净。My family lives in the four seasons spring city building three unit 502 room, every room clean.

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人体的生理活动和病理变化是随着四时气候的变化而发生相应的改变。The physiological activities and pathological changes vary with the changes in the four seasons.

但是,过去我奉献给你的一切,那永存的泪水难道未曾使一朵小花四时不谢么?But in all my past offerings is there not a single flower made fadeless by the eternity of tears ?

随着另一组令人忧郁的经济数据的产生,周四时一度猛跌到1.05欧元。Sterling plunged to €1.05 at one stage on Thursday following yet another dismal set of economic data.

种植一般是围绕季相进行设计,来达到园景的四时不同。Planting may be designed according to season so that different parts of a garden bloom at different times.

希腊神话中,对四时转变的缘由就归结于歉收女神----得墨忒耳。The Greek myth that explains why there are changes of seasons is about Demeter, the goddess of the harvest.

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大姐最初看见大小老四时,她们已多天没吃东西,身上满是虱子与寄生虫。When Wayan first found Big and Little Ketut, they hadn't eaten for days, had lice and parasites, the works.

自然界四时运作,温度及湿度的变化都分布得恰到好处。In nature, the alteration of four seasons and the change of temperature and humidity are all just to the point.

在大四时他拒绝了微软公司的聘用而选择了去哈佛读物理专业的研究生。In his senior year, he rejected a job offer from Microsoft and opted for the physics graduate program at Harvard.