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她和犯罪案有牵连。She was concerned in the crime.

别把我牵连进你们的争吵之中。Don't embroil me in your quarrel.

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受牵连的说话比较多。The speech that gets embroil is more.

一旦巨人倒下,必有为数众多的人受到牵连。And when a giant falls, many get hurt.

与他人交往,你是在冒险,你会有无数牵连。To reach out is ---to risk involvement.

这之间的牵连是明显的。The imputations implications are obvious.

你会受到那个家伙的牵连。You would hamper yourself with that fellow.

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他在盘问中被迫受到牵连。No one can be forced to incriminate himself.

这个问题同许多其它问题有牵连。This question is entangled with many others.

她没有虚假牵连的总统。She has not falsely inculpated the President.

许多人与这起诈骗银行的大案有牵连。The big bank swindle involved a lot of people.

这3种欲望都有牵连的。These 3 types of desires all overlap eachother.

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他在我方陪审团前暗指我方当事人有牵连。He's implicating our client in front of our jury.

当心别和那些人牵连上。Take care not to get embroiled with those people.

证据清楚显示他与这件罪案有牵连。The evidence clearly implicated him in the crime.

你为什么要牵连无辜的平民?Why did you embroil innocent, ordinary civilians?

可能受到一些友情链接牵连。Thelikelihoodislinked embroil by a few friendship.

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果真如此,他也会牵连嫌疑到小泽一郎。If so, he could bring Mr Ozawa under suspicion, too.

讨论公平理论与激励的牵连。Discuss the motivation implications of equity theory.

他被嫌疑与几起盗窃案有牵连。He was suspected of implication in several robberies.