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众口难调,这个和做饭一样,很难让所有人都喜欢的。I love my job. Whoo! Makes me feel like Superman!

众口难调,所以我不想再跟你说什么了,随缘吧。So I won't take with you any more, just let it be.

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众口难调,没有什么事是让家庭中的每一个人都满意的。There is no such thing as fun for the whole family.

天王出击总是褒贬不一的,众口难调的道理大家心里都明白。King of attack is always mixed, wide tune hard truth we all know that in mind.

它不仅可以款待数量较多的来宾,而且可以较好地处理众口难调的问题。It can not only hospitality amount is more guests, and can better processing des questions.

只要市民言论自由,尽管兴趣和才智呈多样性,众口难调则在所难免。So long as citizens remain free and endowed with a diversity of interests and talents, it will remain so.

自然,民主辩论总是众口难调,往往热情取代了理智。To be sure, democratic debate has always been a messy affair in which passion threatens to overwhelm reason.

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最后粮农组织总干事雅克-迪乌夫关于生物燃料的不同意见太多了,众口难调。In the end, Jacques Diouf, head of the F. A. O. , said differences of opinions about biofuel were too wild wide to settle.

其中有些食物是从麦当劳,必胜客,山姆会员店等不同餐厅订购来解决众口难调的问题。Dishes were ordered from several places like McDonalds, Pizza Hut, Sam's Club etc to ensure a rich variety of tasty morsels on offer.

即使在网络世界,对消费品及信息的需求依然众口难调,并且依据地点对消费需求进行判断仍然相当可靠。Even in a networked world, the hunger for consumer goods and information is still taste-dependent, and location remains a fairly reliable proxy for taste.

尽管建造数据中心网络的规模效应很重要,但企业和客户的计算需求太广,众口难调。Although there are important economies of scale in building a network of data centres, the computing needs of companies and consumers vary too widely for one size to fit all.