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他是一个彻头彻尾的恶棍。He is a thorough scoundrel.

这是一个彻头彻尾的利己主义者。That is the perfect Egoist.

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但是这是彻头彻尾的愚蠢想法。But that would be utter folly.

杰克是个彻头彻尾的沙文主义者。Jack is a real chauvinist pig.

这个男孩是个彻头彻尾的窝囊废。The man is absolutely a loser.

他是个彻头彻尾的空想家。He is an out and out daydreamer.

如果你不能享受它,那跑步就是一场彻头彻尾的折磨。If you do not enjoy it is torture.

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她是彻头彻尾的说谎者/骗子。She is a liar through and through.

它们是彻头彻尾的狗。They are dogs through and through.

这是彻头彻尾的强权政治。This is out-and-out power politics.

它们被以为是彻头彻尾的渣滓。They were thought as complete junks.

布拉德已成了一个彻头彻尾的吸大麻成瘾的人。Brad had turned into a real pot-head.

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蜂蜜是彻头彻尾诚实的广告人。Bees are thoroughly honest advertisers.

这是彻头彻尾的欺诈行为。It's an act of straight-out dishonesty.

别信他,他是个彻头彻尾的大骗子。Don't trust him. He's every inch a liar.

那两个织工是彻头彻尾的骗子。The two weavers were cheats out and out.

他们的声明是彻头彻尾的废话。Their statement was a downright inanity.

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曼恩法案就是一部彻头彻尾的种族主义法案。The Mann Act is an inherently racist law.

这个男孩是个彻头彻尾的懒虫。The boy is lazybones through and through.

“你感觉自己彻头彻尾地被公司背叛了,”本图说。“You feel totally betrayed, ” Bentu says.