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像长眼救济?Like long eye-relief?

那位医生经常救济贫民。The doctor often relieve the poor.

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这穷汉靠救济过日子。The poor man subsisted on charity.

各种各样的救济会造成经济负担沉重。Relief payments percolated the economy.

1932年,纽约,等待领取救济食品的长队。A long breadline in New York City in 1932.

弯下你的头颈去接受人们的救济。Crouch low thy neck to eleemosynary gifts.

哈丁先生想到…那些得到过他救济的穷人和老人。Of the worn-out, aged men he had succored.

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最常见的普通法上的救济是损害赔偿金.The most common of legal remedy is damages.

第七章“新闻审查的法律救济”。ChapterⅦ" legal remedy of the press review."

向伟大的上帝哭诉期望得到救济。Crying to the great immortal God for relief.

有些人多年来就是*政府救济生活的。Some people have gone on the dole for years.

接受自己的在担任救济工作时的有限性。Accept your own limitations in a relief role.

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我们捐助了食物和衣物救济贫民。We contributed food and clothing to the poor.

救济打印质量取决于纸张质量。Relief print quality depends on paper quality.

一战老兵们走投无路,急需救济。Veterans of the war were desperate for relief.

我们还救济了灾民。We also provided relief for victims of famine.

我不赞成延长失业救济的期间。I do not favor extending unemployment benefits.

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今年45岁的毛顺玉现在住在一顶帐篷里,靠政府救济过活。Now a refugee living on handouts in a tent, Ms.

税权保护与救济。Protection of taxation power and taxation relief.

欧洲法院现在支持了这些救济措施。The European court has now upheld these remedies.