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绑匪还杀死了保姆。The kidnappers killed the nanny.

一名警察向那个绑匪射击。A policeman shot at the kidnapper.

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万一司机是个绑匪怎么办?What if the driver was a kidnapper?

我们将对绑匪的绑票行为予以打击。We'll fight kidnappers with kidnappings.

绑匪们把那人的衣服剥得精光。The bandits stripped the man to the skin.

这可能会给以后的绑匪一些提示。It might give future kidnappers some leverage.

一个接一个,所有的绑匪都被击倒了。One by one, all the kidnappers were knocked out.

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然后我的弟妹们还得从绑匪那里营救我。And then my sibs had to rescue me from kidnappers.

绑匪向小孩的父母索取赎金。The kidnappers levied a ransom on the child's parents.

绑匪没有要求赎金,反而将卡兰杀害。Instead of being offered for ransom, Kalan was murdered.

绑匪要求一大笔赎款才放人。The kidnapper demanded a huge ransom to return the victim.

绑匪说,他们认为罗曼诺娃是特工。The kidnappers said that they think is the agent Romanova.

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劫持巴士的绑匪是一名愤懑的菲律宾前警官。The bus was hijacked by a disgruntled former police officer.

沮丧的绑匪说他们今后再也不干这种事了。The sad gangsters said that they would not do it henceforth.

政府不肯对那些绑匪做出让步。The government refused to yield to the hostage-takers' demands.

绑匪是尤丽亚的家教老师,见事情败露便跳楼自尽。The kidnapper is yulia tutor, see his jump off a building suicide.

随后,警方安排小思的父亲与绑匪展开周旋。Subsequently, the police to arrange these father and the expansion.

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两人逃逸对卡塔利娜岛目的地的绑匪。The pair escape their captors at the destination on Catalina Island.

抢到绑匪的车钥匙扔出车窗外。Grab the keys from the kidnapper's car and throw them out the window.

绑匪已经被警察擒获,孩子们安全脱险了。The militant has been the policeman tackled, children safe from danger.