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而花式大写就不一样。Swash capitals however do.

盘花式吧,我想。Chaplet style is fine, I think.

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对于我来道花式足球是什么?What is football freestyle to me?

他居然叫我给他加班干‘花式浆洗’。Him a-ringin' in fancy starch extras!

她的8字花式溜冰动作堪称完美。She skated a perfect figure of eight.

这段音乐适合跳花式慢步舞。This piece of music is suitable to strut.

她在花式跳水中得了最高分。She got the highest score in fancy diving.

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一大包额外的“花式浆洗”送了过来。A bundle of extra "fancy starch" had come in.

洗完之后又得全力以赴干“花式浆洗”。This finished, they buckled down to "fancy starch."

跳他妈的花式舞蹈我知道是他干的。Doing fucking triple axels . I know this guy . He's dirty.

还有你不觉得看到那些溜花式溜冰的人摔到屁股很好玩吗?。And ain't it fun to watch figure skaters falling on their asses?

花式咖啡可在美食店和咖啡店买到。Flavored coffee is sold at gourmet food stores and coffee shops.

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猫头鹰蝶卵上嵌花式图案看上去好像停机坪。The mosaic pattern on an owl butterfly egg looks like a landing pad.

后空翻绝对是滑雪花式里面难度最大的一个动作。A Back Flip is definitely one of the most difficult tricks to perform.

是新的花式而非新的趣味产生出如此多的新时尚。It is new fancy rather than taste which produces so many new fashions.

那么,在这场击鼓传花式的“年尾行情”中,谁会接下最后一棒呢?So, in this beat- the fancy "end market", who took over last stick it?

我们以花式步法力图避开典型的苏联冲刺。We sought to parry the charateristic soviet lunge with fancy footwork.

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每个人都从溜溜球的书籍、录像还有朋友那里学习不同的花式玩法。Everyone learned different tricks from yo-yo books, videos, and friends.

您可以使用钢羊毛,以消除涂料从花式木材的工作,等等。You can use steel wool to remove the paint from fancy wood work, etcetera.

两个靓女坐在船上看孙耀威表演花式滑水。The two beauties sat on the boat and watched Eric performing wake-boarding.