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睡前散散步。Walk before bed.

我想出去散散步。I want to air myself.

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我去公园散步。I go for walks in a park.

午饭时间散步一会。Take a walk at lunchtime.

今天我们到小溪边去散步。Today we went to a creek.

斯卡夫过去常常散步。Scarf used to take a walk.

现在应该去散步了。You should be walking now.

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我们在大楼周围散步。We walked around the block.

去散散步或到健身房去吧。Go for walks or hit the gym.

我喜欢在院子里散步…I love pottering in the yard.

晚上就是散步。In the evening was the paseo.

咱们去踏雪散散步。Lets take a walk in the snow.

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因此,每天都由爸爸带着巴特散步。So every day, Dad walked Bart.

咱们去踏雪散散步。Lett's take a walk in the snow.

请陪我散步。Please accompany me on my walk.

请和我就伴一起散散步。Please accompany me on my walk.

斯卡夫现在已习惯于散步了。Scarf is used to taking a walk.

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那对夫妇挽着臂散步。The couple strolled arm in arm.

又在这儿散步了么,女公民?Walking here again citizeness ?

注意滑行道上散步的人们。Caution walk men on the taxiway.