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高保真立体声系统,设计时尚且有创意。Hi-fi stereo sound in a fashionable and innovative design.

小小的蝉儿尚且如此,人又启能无所事事虚度年华?Small Chaner like this, people are able to idle idle away Kai?

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当一颗石子落入池塘后,荡起的涟漪尚且会持续一段时间。When a stone falls into a pond, the ripples persist for a while.

我非常尊敬她,因为她是一位品德高尚且慈心的人。I respect her very much because she is virtuous and kind hearted.

社会党似乎内部斗争激烈,自顾尚且不暇。As for the Socialists, they appear to be busy fighting each other.

尚且在夏天豫备食物,在收割时聚敛粮食。Provideth her meat in the summer, and gathereth her food in the harvest.

半决赛尚且激动人心,决赛将更扣人心弦了。The thrilling semi-finals set the stage for what should be a great game.

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人干犯摩西的律法,凭两三个见证人,尚且不得怜恤而死。He that despised Moses' law died without mercy under two or three witnesses

不要为明日自夸,因为一日要生何事,你尚且不能知道。Do not boast about tomorrow, for you do not know what a day may bring forth.

他们却甚惧怕,彼此说,二王在他面前尚且站立不住,我们怎能站得住呢?But they were terrified and said, 'If two kings could not resist him, how can we?'

在文学本身尚且不可能的情况下,“文学性”又缘何而谈?。How could we explore literariness on the condition that literature was impossible?

如果饭店主人尚且这样对我,那我到齐国,齐王还能放过我吗?If the hotel owners treat me like that, will the king of Qi disregard me when I arrive?

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否则,就算贪念可以降服,但自给尚且不足,哪能有余资不足?Otherwise, even if we overcame our greed, we would not have any surplus to give to the needy.

重庆是很时尚且很生活化的城市,巍然屹立的高楼大厦始终没有与底层的民众形成对立!The high-rise buildings still stand tall without the confrontation between the bottom of people!

看哪,天和天上的天尚且不足你居住的,何况我所建的这殿呢?The heavens, even the highest heaven, cannot contain you. How much less this temple I have built!

看哪,天和天上的天尚且不足你居住的,何况我所建的这殿呢?The heavens, even the highest heavens, cannot contain you. How much less this temple I have built!

只有作出这样的承诺,才能维持我们业已取得的尚且不够稳固的成果,并取得新的进展。Only with this commitment can we sustain the fragile gains we have made, and make further progress.

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每家的一个孩子尚且让家长们头疼,而赵老师每天面对的是五十六个孩子。Each child of a headache Shangju parents, teachers face every day while Zhao was fifty six children.

感到自己面对这一切尚且年轻,虽然有点说不过去,但是我的确对生孩子的责任给吓到了。Feeling unjustifiably young for my age, I felt rather awed by the responsibility of having children.

一个国家的总统其繁忙水平当是可想而知的,其尚且能够从容念书,那么我们呢?President of a country its busy unguided understandably, its extent even can calmly reading, then we?