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我讨厌织补活儿。I hate darning.

我们明天晚上还干活儿。We work to-morrow night.

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做针线活儿,她可是把好手。She is adept at needlework.

这活儿做得太糙。This is very slipshod work.

让我干点有创意的活儿吧。Let me do the creative stuff.

拍摄野熊是个危险的活儿。Photographing bears is risky.

你小子别跟我耍花活儿。Don't get smart with me kiddo.

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干完活儿,你就回家吧。Once you're finished, go home.

老约翰只管继续敲敲打打地干活儿。Old John kept right on hammering.

她常在晚上做针线活儿。She often needles in the evening.

我不知道那活儿你怎么受得了。I don't know how you stick that job.

这批活儿做得好。This batch of products is well made.

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他经常忙于农活儿。He is always busy with his farm work.

他是一个总把活儿做得很糟的傻瓜。He is a fool who bungles consistently.

干那个活儿要用专用工具。You'll need a special tool to do that.

走开!我干了一天活儿够受的了。'。Go away! I've had a foul day at work. '

但是他活儿干得比谁都少。But he does less work than anybody else.

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剩下的活儿我一个人包圆儿了。I'll finish off what's left of the work.

这场火灾使8个月干的活儿全白干了。The fire undid the work of eight months.

学生这会儿都在田间做活儿。The pupils are now working in the field.