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詹妮玲珑剔透,我真担心自己会被她笑话。Jenny was so smart that I was afraid she would laugh at me.

看,它玲珑剔透、光彩奕奕,它的价值无与伦比。Look, it is exquisite and dazzlingly brilliant and its value is incomparable.

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而南方剪纸玲珑剔透严整优雅,以写实风格著称。Paper cut in South China is well known for its exquisite, elegant, realistic style.

哈尔滨是座圣洁的城市,冬临,瑞雪纷飞,玉树琼楼,玲珑剔透,倾倒众生。Harbin is a holy city with auspicious snow, silvery building and ice sculptures in winter.

远处,那些四季常青的松树和柏树,宛如一座座冰雕玉刻、玲珑剔透的宝塔。Distance, those evergreen pine and cypress, like a seat carved jade sculptures, exquisitely carved pagoda.

神女宫,钟乳丰满,玲珑剔透,一如刚出浴的秀美仙女。The fairy temple, the clock milk is plentiful full, extremely keen, just as just pretty fairy maiden of a bath.

扬州是中国玉器的重要产地。扬州玉雕制作工艺风格秀丽典雅,玲珑剔透,堪称一绝。Yangzhou Lacquer Ware is the most precious treasure of all kinds of lacquer, with a history of more than 2000 years.

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产于其中的辰砂晶体,以其迷人的色泽和玲珑剔透、多彩多姿的形态,在观赏石矿物的晶体中价值不菲。Particularly, the cinnabar crystal occurred in the deposit is greatly valued for its attractive colors and beautiful forms.

玻璃装饰图案设计的多样性,使居室更加富有个性,或玲珑剔透,或富丽堂皇,或典雅甚至神秘。Glass decorative graphic design diversity, the larger richer personality, or exquisite flowers, or grandiose , or even mysterious flavor.

她是玲珑剔透的女孩子,生活的琐碎让她不胜其烦,他主动承担了大部分的家务,照顾她,一如既往地宠着她。She was a delicate girl who hated household chores. Therefore, he shouldered most of the housework and took good care of her and indulged her.

莫扎特的音乐典雅秀丽,如同珍珠一样玲珑剔透,又似阳光一般热情温暖,洋溢着青春的生命力。Mozart's music, as the delicately made pearls and the warm and fervency sunshine, filled with the vitality of youth, is of elegance and beauty.

总是爱这样荒谬地假设,也许只有这样才能让我们把一切反反复复前前后后左左右右看得玲珑剔透。Always love this absurd to assume that Perhaps the only way you can let us all around the left right before and seen repeatedly refined and shiny.

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其格调绮丽清新,玲珑剔透,充满宗教神话色彩,弥漫着浓郁的浪漫主义气息。In an ornate and refreshing and delicately shaped style, it was filled with religious and mythological emotions and full of heavy romantic tastes.

闽南一带的金木雕流行以透雕与浮雕相结合,并施以金彩,金碧辉煌,玲珑剔透。The southern area of the wood carving in relief carved with popular combination, and give the gold color, beautiful decoration. , exquisitely carved.

远望悬空寺,像一付玲珑剔透的浮雕,镶嵌在万仞峭壁间,近看悬空寺,大有凌空欲飞之势。Yuan Wang Monastery, as a pair of exquisite visible relief, inlaid in the Ren-million cliff, look at the last Monastery, a great wish to fly the air force.

在灵隐寺旁,是一座高200米左右的石灰峰,在玲珑剔透的怪石和洞穴之中,布满五代至元代的大批造像。A 200-meter high lime peak by the Lingyin Temple. There are a lot of embossment engraved from the Five Dynasties to the Yuan Dynasty in its holes and caves.

艺人们以此为原料雕制的挂屏、座屏、插屏,花草鸟兽,古庙奇峰,玲珑剔透,别具一格。Performers this as a raw material carved the hanging panel, seat screen, table plaque, flowers, birds and animals, the temple Qifeng, exquisitely carved, unique.

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LED铝线灯是一种可裸视的LED线状灯具,采用氧化处理的坚固铝材支架,发光色彩饱满亮丽,玲珑剔透,抗紫外线抗老化。LED light is a color aluminum wire can be bare, as the LED linear lighting, solid aluminum with oxidation frame, LED full color bright, exquisitely carved, UV aging.

中国女性鼻子以玲珑剔透、端正有棱、鼻翅适中为美,与韩国女性的容貌特征还是有所不同的。Chinese female nose with exquisitely carved, decorous moderate of arris , nose wing is the United States, still differ somewhat with the appearance feature of Korea female.

当母鸟第一次生下了几颗玲珑剔透,比小指头还小的鸟蛋以后,我和孩子们便眼巴巴地等候小鸟孵出来。When the mother bird first secondary down several exquisitely carved, than the little finger was a little bird egg, I and the children eagerly waiting for the chicks hatch.