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基本设计为9公厘口径半自动手枪,12发,长射程。Basic design 9mm semi-automatic gun. 12 shot clip. Long-range weapon.

其它精炼铜箔,有衬者,其厚度在0.07公厘及以下者。Other refined copper foil, backed, of a thickness not exceeding 0.07 mm.

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实施切片检查为厚度1.2公厘的黑色素细胞癌。An incisional biopsy was done which revealed melanoma with 1.2mm thickness.

其它精炼铜箔,未衬,其厚度不超过0.15公厘者。Other refined copper foil, not backed, of a thickness not exceeding 0.15 mm.

铜箔基板,以酚树脂为衬,其厚度在0.07公厘及以下者。Copper clad laminate, paper-phenolic backed, of a thickness not exceeding 0.07 mm.

这些研究人员的机器人,身高仅仅6公厘,利用磁浮力即可升空。The researchers use magnetic levitation to lift their robot, which is a mere 6mm tall.

其它感光用单色胶卷,宽度不超过16公厘,未曝光者。Other photographic monochrome film in rolls, of a width not exceeding 16 mm, unexposed.

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全自动手枪。9公厘口径。30发。中等射程。可选配消音器。Fully automatic machine pistol . 9mm 30 shot clip. Medium-range weapon. Optional silencer.

其它合金钢之扁轧制品,宽度600公厘及以上,经镀面、涂面或护面者。Flat-rolled products of other alloy steel, plated, coated or clad, of a width of 600 mm or more.

精炼铜箔,未衬,其厚度在0.07公厘以下者,不论是否有树脂涂布。Refined copper foil, not backed, in thickness less than 0.07 mm, whether or not coated with resin.

其它热轧不锈钢扁轧制品,卷盘状,厚度超过10公厘者。Other flat-rolled products of stainless steel, hot-rolled, in coils, of a thickness exceeding 10 mm.

其它热轧不锈钢扁轧制品,卷盘状,厚度小于3公厘者。Other flat-rolled products of stainless steel, hot-rolled, in coils, of a thickness of less than 3 mm.

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其它铝合金板及片,厚度超过0.2公厘,经镀面、涂面或护面者。Other plates and sheets, of aluminium alloys, plated, coated, or clad, of a thickness exceeding 0.2 mm.

标志竿是一支具有弹性的竿子,长度为1.80公尺,直径为10公厘。标志竿由玻璃纤维或类似物质制成。An antenna is a flexible rod, 1.80 m long and 10 mm in diameter, made of fiberglass or similar material.

其他热轧不锈钢扁轧制品,非卷盘状,厚度超过10公厘者。Other flat-rolled products of stainless steel, hot-rolled, not in coils, of a thickness exceeding 10 mm.

取出之后,应将原来10公厘的小洞钻为12公厘,再将新的锚栓设在同样的位置。If appropriate, old 10mm holes should be re-drilled to 12mm and the new bolt placed in the same position.

其它热轧不锈钢扁轧制品,非卷盘状,厚度小于3公厘者。Other flat-rolled products of stainless steel, hot-rolled, not in coils, of a thickness of less than 3 mm.

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电容器用聚丙烯薄膜,总宽度不超过430公厘,总厚度在0.0195公厘以下者。Polypropylene film for capacitor use, total width no more than 430 mm, total thickness no more than 0.0195mm.

其它合金钢扁轧制品,热轧后未进一步加工,宽度小于600公厘者。Flat-rolled products of other alloy steel, not further worked than hot rolled, of a width of less than 600 mm.

其它加工合板,至少有一外层由非针叶树木材制成,每层厚度不超过6公厘者。Other processed plywood, with at least one outer ply of non-coniferous wood , each ply not exceeding 6 mm thickness.