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油炸锅里的食油已经热了。The fat in the fryer had heated all right.

食油细菌正在高速的工作。Oil-eating bacterial microbes are working at a fast pace.

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对流细胞都是看得见,在加热的食油,在锅上左。Convection cells are visible in the heated cooking oil in the pot at left.

加入蛋黄、食油和盐拌均匀,拌入面粉,搅拌均匀备用。Combine with egg yolks, cooking oil and salt. Fold in flour until forms batter.

我把把燃烧的燃料箱约一夸脱比较它使用的食油。I put about 1 quart into the burner's fuel tank to compare it to used cooking oil.

不给孩子喂食才是不作为,可如果父亲只给儿子喂食油炸圈饼和苏打水,那又是什么?Not feeding a child is neglect, but what if a father only feeds his son donuts and soda?

除减少出行外,他们还往汽油里掺上从餐馆回收来的食油。Apart from cutting down on driving, some are making use of edible oil recycled from restaurants.

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食油在人民生活中有着极其重要和其它食品不可替代的作用。The edible oil is essential to human life and its importance can not be replaced by other foods.

在搅拌盆中拌匀蛋黄、盐、牛奶、食油、香草精和细砂糖,拌入面粉和可可粉,搅拌均匀备用。To make egg yolk batter, combine egg yolks, salt, milk, oil, essence and sugar in a mixing bowl.

加入洋葱碎及食油,拌匀,试味并酌量再调味。Add the finely chopped onion and oil. Mix thoroughly. Check the seasoning and adjust accordingly.

生长在这儿的粮食在苏联被用来做面包,在日本被用来做豆制品和食油。Food crops that grow here are used to make bread in the Soviet Union, bean curb and cooking oil in Japan.

选择要素如大米,食糖,食油,面粉和国内运输不会受到商品及服务税。Selected essentials like rice, sugar, cooking oil, flour and domestic transportation would not be subjected to GST.

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据介绍,食油高温加热后,其中的不饱和脂肪酸会产生毒性较强的聚合物。According to reports, cooking oil heated to high temperatures, which generates unsaturated fatty acids toxic polymer.

截止周二为止,有40条撇油船,800条小艇,和食油细菌已投入这场战斗,新华社说。As of Tuesday, 40 special "oil-skimming" vessels, 800 boats, and oil-eating bacteria had joined the fight, Xinhua said.

本文分析了广西全区食油结构、生产消费水平。This paper analysed the structure of edible oils, their productivity and consumption in Guangxi National Autonomous Region.

截止周二为止,有40条撇油船,800条小艇,和食油细菌已投入这场战斗,新华社说。As of Tuesday, 40 special 'oil-skimming' vessels, 800 boats, and oil-eating bacteria had joined the fight in cleanup efforts.

谨告知P。处的居夷易近,原因W。西席所运营的罐头、酒等杂货食物及食油营业,已由R。西席继承。R. respectfully informs the inhabitants of P. that he has succeeded to the grocery and oil business formerly conducted by Mr. W.

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如果一个人的厨房技能仅仅是像玩多米诺骨牌一样的速度那么他应该被忌食油脂、盐、白面包和糖。A man whose only kitchen skill involves the speed dial to Domino's is condemned to a diet of grease, salt, white bread, and sugar.

也许最安全的办法是避免去上文提到的几种饭馆用餐,选择在家做饭,同时也可以确保食油来源。The safest way is likely to avoid the types of restaurants mentioned above, and cook food at home so you can verify the oil source.

正在利用一些其它的激励措施,如通过联合国粮食计划署的学校食物供应方案为女生提供额外的食油和小麦。Other incentives are being used, such as supplying extra cooking oil and wheat to female students through WFP’s school feeding program.