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这背后,是父母望子成龙的心理。This implies that the parents hopeful psychology.

可怜天下父母心,家长们望子成龙也是人之常情。Poor parental love, the parents Succeed is also a human.

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他总是望子成龙,却没有考虑到孩子们的感受。He longs to see his children succeed in life, but he neglects their feelings.

望子成龙的家长并不让人奇怪,但现在家长们对孩子的逼迫更加严重。Pushy parents are nothing new , but now parents seem to push their children a lot more.

天下所有的父母都望子成龙、望女成凤,希望孩子自信、快乐。All parents have sky-high hopes for their children. We want them to be confident and content.

这难道就是家长们望子成龙,望女成凤的唯一做法吗?This is that parents long to see the son succeed in life, look at the woman Cheng Feng's only method?

很多孩子为了不辜负家长的望子成龙,甚至于假期他们也要玩命的学习。In order to live up to their parents expectations, most of the kids have to study hard even over vacations.

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特约嘉宾北岸进修学院麦校长,祝您实现望子成龙的愿望。Principal Mak from North Shore Coaching Centre gives you advice about how to help your children succeed academically.

望子成龙是所有母亲的梦想,可惜常常事与愿违,期望值越高,失望越大。Wittingly is the dream of all mothers, but often desires, the higher the expectation, the greater the disappointment.

新千年一代寄托着其父母望子成龙的希望,只要工作有趣,薪水称心,他们中的大多数是会努力工作的。Millennials were bred for achievement, and most will work hard if the task is engaging and promises a tangible payoff.

在短期内,人造婴儿肯定会对那些望子成龙,望女成凤的家长们有着很强的吸引力。In a short time, the man-made babies surely have a strong abstraction to the parents who are eager to have perfect babies.

背后的原因就是学生面临的升学压力和家长们望子成龙、望女成凤的心态。The reason is that students face pressure to enter a higher grade school and that parents have high expectations of their children.

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多少年来,都把孩子当作私有财产,望子成龙,望女成凤。Wishing that their sons would become dragons and their daughters would change into phoenixes , they would do anything for their children.

现在的少年儿童大多是独生子女,家长望子成龙的心情可以理解。It is only understandable that they long to see their sons and daughters with promising futures, as most students today are from single-child families.

可悲的是那些岌岌可危的人类,还有望子成龙,望女成凤的父母,天下的父母师长啊!Sadly, those at risk of human, as well as expectations for their children, look into the phoenix female parents, the parents and teachers the world ah!

更重要的原因在于,这似乎有悖于每一位望子成龙的家长的看法,即如果孩子在学业上步入歧途,他们的一生就毁了。All the more so because it seems to belie the conviction of every pushy parent that if a child puts one foot wrong academically they have blown it for life.

这幅图反映了一个在中国很普遍的现象,即父母们都望子成龙,尽管这是一个我们都能够理解的现象。The drawing reflects a common phenomenon in China that parents are obsessed with the wish of their child’s future success, which is, though, very understandable.

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“望子成龙”、“望女成凤”是所有父母的期冀,然而这份愿望过于执著变成了一种枷锁和负担,沉重地压在父母和孩子的身上。To hope one's children will have a bright future is all parents' hope. However this desire is so strong that it become a heavy burden to the parents and children.

望子成龙的父母一味把孩子送去跳芭蕾或弹钢琴,可能增加他们的压力,研究人员称。Parents hoping to raise rounded offspring by enrolling children in ballet classes or piano lessons may be exposing them to increased stress, researchers have argued.

巧珍的邻居唐安迪,就因为老婆姚贵娟望子成龙,而成为了抢钱夫妻,夫妻俩想尽各种方法为孩子德华筹措补习费。Due to his wife, Yao Guijuan's, wish to groom their son for success, the two become a money-grubbing couple who think of all means to raise money for their son Dehua's tuition fees.