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它必须涉及外界的人与事。I involve it, I learn it.

被定义为外界向系统做的功。surroundings do on the system.

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外界谁听见我恸哭?Is anybody out there hearing me?

向外界发送输出结果。Send output to the outside world.

说明系统对外界做功。The total work is less than zero.

现在外界压强为。p2 I'm going to set that equal to p2.

我们决不向外界压力屈服。We'll never yield to external pressure.

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墙可能意味着与外界的断尽。A wall may mean separation from outside.

整个系统与外界绝热。The whole thing is going to be insulated.

昆虫需要外界来源的固醇类。Insects need an external source of sterols.

眼睛是人类获得外界信息的重要感觉器官。The human eye is the important sense organ.

他们都在向外界发出无用的态度。They are all putting out useless attitudes.

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你不可以获取任何外界的帮助。You are not allowed to receive assistances.

冬天这座小镇常因大雪与外界隔断联系。In winter the town is often cut off by snow.

该系统不需要外界的电源。It does not require an outside power source.

它必须涉及外界的人与事。It has to involve people and things outside.

在今年五月,席琳-迪翁向外界宣布了怀孕一事。Celine announced that she was pregnant in May.

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外界的帮助缓慢地陆续到达。Outside help is slowly and sparingly arriving.

他们是迫于外界压力才做这件事的。They did it in response to external pressures.

平静来自内心,无须自外界寻求。Peace comes from within. D not seek it without.