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人们喝雄黄侍者护本身免于害病。People drink realgar wine to protect themselves from illness.

请问银朱和雄黄用什么制法可以减毒?。With what do vermilion and realgar make a law you can reduce toxin excuse me?

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至于雄黄,古代希腊人和中国人都深知它的毒性。As for Realgar, its toxicity was well-known in both ancient Greece and Chinese antiquity.

雄黄、雌黄的存在,延长了细菌生长的迟缓期,抑制了细菌的生长与繁殖.。The existence of realgar and orpiment is harmful to the growth and prolongs the lag phase.

目的观察雄黄对人类T淋巴细胞白血病细胞凋亡的影响。Objective To study the Realgar induced T lymphocytic leukemia cell line CEM apoptosis in vitro.

许多中药含有高含量的朱砂和雄黄,能够导致汞和砷中毒。Many TCMs contain high amounts of vermilion and realgar, and can cause mercury and arsenic poisoning.

雄黄是云南省南华砷铊矿床中最主要工业矿物。Realgar is the most important mineral of commercial value in the Nanhua As-Tl deposit, Yunnan Province.

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本文在描述雄黄矿物的结构和性质的基础上,介绍了湖南雄黄矿低品位矿的浮选试验。This paper describes the structure and properties of realgar and flotation tests of Hunan low-grade realgar ore.

以花椒、艾叶、烟叶、雄黄为原料,研究具有抑菌、驱蚊功能的基元材料。To study the effectiveness of Chinese medicinal herbs as mosquito repellents, as well as their antibacterial properties.

为此,对该矿矿石进行了工艺矿物学研究,查明了影响金浸出的主要因素为雄黄、雌黄等。A process mineralogical study was thus made and it was founded that it is mainly realgar and orpiment that affect the gold leaching.

该雄黄矿石性脆易泥化,需要四次精选才能得到合格的砷精矿。The realgar ores require on cleaning and three recleanings before obtaining the desired arsenic concentrate due to its brittle-ness and sliming.

矿石由黄铁矿、闪锌矿、自然金、辉锑铅矿、砷黝铜矿、辉锑矿、辉锑银铅矿、雄黄、雌黄等组成,为典型的低温热液矿物组合。Ores consist of pyrite, blende, aurum, zinckenite, tennantite, antimonite, realgar, and orpiment, belong to typical Low-temperature minerals assemblage.

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赋矿地层为上侏罗统雄黄厂段,主要由白云岩、灰岩、泥岩和粉砂岩组成。The Xionghuangchang section of the Upper Jurassic series is the principal ore-host strata, composed mainly of dolomite, limestone, mudstone, and siltstone.

方法以细胞凋亡和免疫功能为主要观测指标,观察中药雄黄对荷瘤小鼠的抗肿瘤作用。Methods To take the cell apoptosis and Immunity function as the main parameter and observe the antitumor effects of Realgar on tumor cell in mice with tumor.

每逢端午节,人们把房子扫干净,在厨房里洒上雄黄水,用来杀死毒虫或防止毒虫孳生。Every Dragon Boat Festival, people sweep the house clean, sprinkle with realgar water in the kitchen, to kill the vermin or prevent propagation of poisonous insect.

为寻找更多、更有效的砷富集蕨类植物,对湖南省石门县雄黄矿场砷富集区的蕨类植物的种类及其生长状况进行了系统性调查分析。And the analyses on the systematic relationship, frequence and abundance, and the adaptability of these ferns are given in order to find more arsenic-accumulating ferns.

着重讨论了各类型雄黄雌黄矿主要地质特征,为雄黄雌黄矿勘查评价提供参考。The geological characteristics and major types of realgar and orpiment deposit have been discussed, It is a indicator for explore and study of realgar and orpiment deposit.

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平原区土壤中汞、砷等元素的区域性高异常则与土壤中辰砂、雄黄矿物存在有关。The regional high-anomaly for some elements such as mercury and arsenic can be related to the existence of cinnabar and realgar minerals in the soils from the plain districts.

对皮层单胺类递质的影响可能是安宫牛黄丸对内毒素脑损伤促清醒作用机制之一,推测朱砂雄黄可能是安宫牛黄丸醒脑开窍作用的重要物质基础。The results of the present work allow us to put forward the hypothesis that cinnabaris and realgar are most likely one of the important material basis in Xingnao Kaiqiao of Angong Niuhuang pill.