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我们都想当然地拴马。We all take tying for granted.

我们不能凭想当然办事。We must not act on assumptions.

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我觉得人们想当然地认为,I think that people take it for granted

我忘带了。以后遇到这样的事不要想当然。I forgot it. Don't take things for granted, ok?

也许最重要的是,不要一切想当然。And above all perhaps, taking nothing for granted.

对不起,我没有把你介绍给凯米特,我想当然地认为你们互相认识。I took it for granted that you two knew each other.

但既然生活在这个时代,我们不免会想当然。But since it is here we pretty well take it for granted.

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要是你想当然地认为这里热得要命的话,那你就错了。You're mistaken if you imagine it to be oppressively hot.

既不要想当然地对待你的生活,也不要忽视它的存在。Don't take your life for granted. Don't neglect it either.

想当然耳。我喜欢当地的卡尔斯堡啤酒,非常提神解劳。Natch. I like their local Carlsberg. It's very refreshing.

但是千万不要想当然认为,今年的情况会好一点。But don't be lolled into thinking we'll get of easy this year.

他是位爱争论的人,无论休整都不愿想当然。He is a provocative man who takes nothing whatever for granted.

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他想当然地认为那个桶是自己从桌上掉下的,转身离开了。Assuming that the bucket fell from the table, he turns and exits.

我们想当然地认为大多数自寻痛苦和自寻死路的人是精神不正常的。We rightly view most people who seek pain or death as mentally ill.

我想当然地认为,在公园决策中,生态因素主导一切。Surely ecological concerns would be foremost in park decision making.

他仔细观察事物,对任何事情从不想当然。He observe things very carefully and never take any thing for granted.

你想当然地认为许多事情的发生都是理所当然的,而不予以重视。There are a lot of things that happen to you that you take for granted.

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不要想当然的心存侥幸,那样只会害人害己!Don't take for granted the take any chances, and that will only harm set!

他没有像我们许多人那样,想当然地依靠熟人、凭借运气就做到了。He did it without the connections and advantages many of us take for granted.

曼联球迷都想当然地认为范德萨能够转危为安。United fans have come to take for granted that van der Sar will save the day.