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她听到那消息后大惊失色。She paled with shock at the news.

他们发现她死了,大惊失色。They were alarmed to find her dead.

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妈妈听到那消息大惊失色。Mother paled with shock at the news.

他们发现老太太死了,大惊失色。They were alarmed to find the old lady dead.

达摩克利斯抬头望见这把利剑时,大惊失色。Damocles looked up and saw that the sword when alarmed.

这景象如此可怕,劳拉不由大惊失色。The sight was so horrible that Laura changed colour from fear.

她发现孩子不见了,大惊失色。When she discovered her baby had disappeared, she was greatly frantic.

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这只猞猁姿态优雅、闪闪发光,轻盈地落在大惊失色的跳舞者中间。Graceful and gleaming, the lynx landed lightly in the middle of the astonished dancers.

比尔转身看到了小家伙,大惊失色,一屁股坐到了地上。Bill turns and sees the boy, and loses his complexion and sits down plump on the ground.

雷锦仪大惊失色,那是她们住的中央,冯妈和孩子还在家里!LeiJinYi frightened, is that they lived the central committee, FengMa and children at home!

警察上门后,这位36岁的窃贼大惊失色。旋即,他便被拘捕。The 36-year-old was astonished when police came knocking at his door shortly afterwards to arrest him.

比赛后许多人大惊失色-我们的英雄们在四位和五位…After the event many of them were taken by surprise-our heroes ended on ungrateful forth and fifth place.

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当他们看到那个帝宗高手的失身的时候,一个个都大惊失色了起来。When they see that emperor believe in a losing chastity of superior of time, as entire scared to disgrace.

儿子使用的婴儿纸尿片里竟藏了5片锈刀片,这让潘泽瑞一家大惊失色。Five rusty blades found in his baby son's diaper stunned Pan Zerui and his family, the Guangzhou Daily reports.

随后它与混凝土墙体猛烈撞击,冲击瞬间受阻的景象使主持人明显大惊失色。It then smashed into the concrete wall and was obliterated on impact to the horror of the visibly shocked host.

美国贸易伙伴因此大惊失色,最终导致后固定汇率制的布雷顿森林体系解体。That panicked America’s trading partners and spelled the end of the Bretton Woods regime of fixed exchange rates.

有一个父亲经过儿子的睡房门口,发觉床呀甚麽的,都收拾得乾乾净净,大惊失色。A father passing by his son's bedroom was astonished to see that his bed as nicely made and everything was picked up.

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正当他们要第一次深情拥吻时,她的丈夫回来了,令二人大惊失色,并将他们刺死。As they were about to enjoy their first embrace, her husband returned home, surprised them and stabbed them to death.

这部肥皂剧上周才开始播出,据说吸引了大批观众收看。但空服员及工会却大惊失色。The show began airing last week and is said to have enthralled viewers. But flight crew and their union are horrified.

比如,当我让幼小的女儿在地板上爬时,我的中国朋友们会大惊失色,冲过去把她抱起来。When I let my baby daughter crawl on the floor, for example, my Chinese friends were horrified and rushed to pick her up.