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她被他的淫威镇住了。She was smothered by his despotic power.

倘若有人敢于反抗,他就以日本人的淫威相胁迫。If any were bald enough to object, he would threaten them with the Japanese.

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因此在大主教劳德的淫威下,只有官方的礼拜时能够在教堂里被吟诵。So under Archbishop Laud, only the official liturgy could be recited in church.

请赐予我力量,使我永不抛弃穷人,也永不屈膝于淫威。Giveme the strength never to disown the poor or bend my knees beforeinsolent might.

因为,孤独可滋长黑暗的淫威,孤独也可助长光明的亮度。Because, the solitude can grow dark , the solitude can also foster a bright bright degree.

面对“四人帮”的淫威,张志新同志坚持真理,敢于直言。Face "gang of four" the abusive, Zhang Zhixin, Comrade uphold the truth and dares to speak up.

如果父亲由着他的秉性滥施淫威,最终的结果未必对我们有好处。If our father carry authority with such dispositions as he bears, ths last surrender of his will but offend us.

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这些地主老爷在私生活中向佃户滥施淫威,有时也很惊人。The powers these landed nobles wielded over their tenants even in their personal affairs was sometimes amazing.

怎么就这样自愿屈从在权威与专制的淫威之下,却还在自嘲苟活着?Whey are they willing to endure the abusing of power of the authority and dictator and living with self-mockery?

后来,在母亲的淫威下娶了一个不爱的女孩,勉强过了两年,生下一个女儿后,两人离异。Later, under the mercy of her mother married a non-loving girl, barely over two years, gave birth to a daughter, the two divorced.

意思是“像软弱的公鸡经常被强壮的母鸡啄伤,男子慑于女性的淫威,表现得服服帖帖”。Means " often be pecked by strong hen like weak cock, man fear the despotic power at the female, expression must take docile note ".

依阿华午后的太阳淫威所到之处,水泥、砖、土已吸足了热气,近黄昏时更火上添油,从西方火辣辣地照过来。Iowa piled itself on top of its earlier damage, which had been absorbed by cement and brick and earth. It fairly blistered down out of the west.

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国民党在东北的特务机关主要由戴笠系统的人员掌握。戴笠是蒋介石的秘密警察头子,人虽已死,淫威犹存。Chief watchdogs of tyranny in the Northeast were skilled SS operators trained by Tai Li, dead but not forgotten chief of Chiang Kai-shek's gestapo.

同时深刻体会到处于皇权淫威下的太史公在记述当朝皇帝私情一类棘手问题时的良苦用心。It seems that Sima Qian had really given much thought to the knotty problem about how to narrate the private affair of the emperor under imperial power.

掠夺者对那些缺乏自尊的人有第六感觉,他们利用淫威使缺乏自尊者屈服。The predators in life have a sixth sense for those who lack a healthy sense of self-respect and do everything in their power to exploit such weaknesses.

在极端恶劣条件的淫威下,到达极点的五人在归途中无一生还。None of the the team of five that reached the pole would survive the return trip, succumbing to exceedingly harsh conditions they encountered on the way.

由于同性恋服役人员摄于此项政策的淫威,他们只能玩猫鼠游戏,还不停撒谎,这损害了他们的精神健康。"The hiding and lying that gay service members are required to do under the policy is damaging to people's mental health, " said psychiatrist Mary Barber, M.

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虽然这看起来像是以前淫威达做过类似的东西,但是我想看证明这个作弊问题的硬件测试连接。Although this does indeed sound like something the nVidia would do , I'd like to see a link to a REPUTABLE hardware site that had done testing that supports this claim.

它在对伪装和邪恶叙述中将在苏联解体后的最骇人的丑闻串起来。这本书的观点就是俄罗斯处于一群凶残的前克格勃成员的淫威之下。It stitches together the most lurid scandals in post-Soviet history in a narrative of infamy and camouflage, arguing that Russia is run by a gang of murderous ex-KGB men.

依阿华午后的太阳淫威所到之处,水泥、砖、土已吸足了热气,近黄昏时更火上添油,从西方火辣辣地照过来。The late afternoon sun in Iowa piled itself on top of its earlier damage, which had been absorbed by cement and brick and earth. It fairly blistered down out of the west.