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汽车拥塞,首尾相接长达数英里。The cars backed up for miles.

但是我受阻于路上交通拥塞。But I was caught in the traffic.

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拥塞,污染,创造事故。Congest, contaminate, create accidents.

车辆在交叉路口拥塞起来。The traffic banked up at the intersection.

他住在街道弯弯曲曲的狭窄拥塞的老街区。He lives in a warren of narrow twisting old streets.

第3节说明了它的拥塞控制算法。Section 3 explains its congestion control algorithm.

他对市区交通的拥塞程度深感遗憾。He deplored the extent of traffic congestion in urban areas.

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抑制冗余NAK能有效地避免拥塞出现。Suppressing redundant NAK can effectually avoid the network congestion.

从控制理论的角度研究了一种基于速率的拥塞控制方法。A rate-based congestion control method is proposed using control theory.

当使用这种方法的时候,拥塞控制可以手动地实现。When using this approach congestion control can be implemented manually.

提出了一种基于速率的分层组播拥塞控制算法。A rate-based layered multicast congestion control arithmetic is presented.

基于速率的拥塞控制方案已成为ATM行业标准。Rate-based congestion control has been adopted by the ATM Forum as standard.

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交通拥塞对他们不会造成困扰,因为他们可以快速穿梭于车阵之间。Traffic jams don't bother bike messengers, because they can zip between cars.

不指定也意味着对拥塞处理考虑不足。Underspecification also means that there is little thought for congestion control.

若想使用拥塞作为比喻,我建议先定义其真正含义。If you're going to use a congestion metaphor, I'd suggest defining what that means.

结果表明,该策略能有效地抑制光突发交换网络的拥塞发生。Results show that the RMP scheme can effectively control the OBS network congestion.

对基于流体流量的TCP拥塞模型进行小信号稳定性分析。The small-signal stability analysis of fluid-flow congestion TCP model is discussed.

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幻影方法是一种简单而有效的防止网络拥塞发生的流量控制方法。Phantom scheme was a simple and effective flow control method for congestion avoiding.

虽然交通拥塞让我不能高速驱车,但是我照旧喜欢领有本身的车。Although traffic jams would stop me from driving fast, I'd still like to have my own car.

最后,我们开发了一个漏桶拥塞控制算法OPNET进程模型。Finally, we develop an OPNET process model for leaky bucket congestion control algorithm.