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基本上,这是个施工重地。It's a building site, basically.

尊天重地敬天爱人。Respect heaven and earth to love.

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地势险要,为关隘重地。Topography Xianyao, to pass heavily.

建筑重地,危险!禁止入内。Danger. Under construction. Keep out.

水源重地,闲人免进。Source of water, no entry without permission.

稍后,那些船很重地根据现代船跑得更快。Later, those boats were heavily outrun by modern ships.

国家电信重地,非请勿入!State telecommunications powerhouse, non-advised not to!

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桂长林立刻心事很重地皱了眉头。Kuei Chang-lin immediately knit his brows in a worried frown.

他需要用铲车把这颗南瓜载到官方称重地点称重。He needed a forklift truck to carry it to the official weighing.

他在街道上步伐沈重地走来走去,等待朋友的到来。He tramped up and down the street waiting for his friend to come.

执行好配电重地的门禁制定。Well implement the enter limited regulations of power distribution room.

俄罗斯,欧洲以及东南亚都是阿里巴巴目前的战略重地。Russia, Europe, and Southeast Asia are strategic priority areas for Alibaba.

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你若是怨重地压榨着葡萄酒,你的怨望,在酒里滴下了毒液。And if you grudge the crushing of the grapes, your grudge distils a poison in the wine.

他谨重地站起身来走到考特兰·范·杜伊钦克的桌前伸出他的手。He rose deliberately and walked over to Cortlandt Van Duyckink's table and held out his hand.

来着何人,粮库重地,闲杂人等,速速离开。Wear who, food database momentous precincts, person with no duty at, presently and soon quit.

是党政各部门、机关内部使用,不对外开放的机密重地。It is a confidential place employed exclusively for the departments of the Party and the Government.

伊利诺斯州是另一个传统的制造业重地,也同样因为中国而丧失了许多工作机会。Illinois is another traditional manufacturing power that has lost a significant number of jobs to China.

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保山地区是云南省西南边陲重地,其农村能源的开发与利用水平尚处于一个较低阶段。Baoshan is a important place in Yunnan province. Its level in exploited rural energy resources is very low.

雷曼兄弟,被“有毒的”抵押债务极重地击垮了,在上个月申请破产。Lehman Brothers, which was particularly badly hit by "toxic" mortgage debt, filed for bankruptcy last month.

此前,温州市一直是国内各家商业银行的信贷投放重地。Prior to this, Wenzhou City was all along a domestic important place for many commercial banks to supply credit.