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但是这儿的门卫寸步不让。But the guard stood his ground.

门卫把那个孩子轰出去了。The doorman booted the kid out.

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问一下门口的门卫就知道了。Just ask the guard at the entrance.

门卫不假思索就会知道他们是谁,They'll know automatically who they are

国王寝宫的门卫问了同样的问题。Again asked the keeper of the king's palace.

进宫殿的入口处门卫把守得很严。The entrance to the palace were well guarded.

门卫轻蔑地打量这个衣衫烂缕的老人。The guard looked at the old man in rags scornfully.

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到另外一个国家当一个简单的门卫。Become a caretaker for an estate in another country.

他取消了英国高级轿车,不过保留著门卫的粉红色外套。He got rid of the Rolls, but the pink coats live on.

几年前,我的业余工作是做一个门卫。Several years ago I did part-time work as a janitor.

该门卫说,他看到在俱乐部蓝礁湖你。The doorman said he seen you at the Club Blue Lagoon.

入口处的门卫要他们出示身份证。They were carded by the police guard at the entrance.

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他刚一进大门,就被门卫给拦住了。He was stopped by the doorkeeper as soon as he entered.

他说,“20年里,为了门卫工作你可能要获得博士学位。”He says, “In 20 years, you'll need a Ph. D. to be a janitor.

门卫感到自己的头发根都竖了起来。The guard felt the hair on the back of his neck stand on end.

我想,是幸运之神帮了我,如若不然,就是我遇到了一位好骗的门卫。I guess luck was on my side, either that or a gullible bouncer?

我谢过门卫,一路小跑回到值班护士那。I thanked the guard and quickly ran back to the nurse's office.

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门卫把她提着的小衣箱接过来。The doorman relieved her of the suitcase she had been carrying.

我被那家私人俱乐部的门卫用力推出了门。I was swagged out of the door by the guards of the private club.

最后,他们都会叫保安和门卫还护送我出去。Eventually, they'd call security and have me escorted off the lot.