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明显不同于其它种班点热群立克次体。However it was antigenically distinct from other species of SFG rickettsiae.

近年来,新发立克次体病已成为世界性关注的疾病。Recently, the emerging rickettsioses have become the health concern worldwide.

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落基山斑疹热是一种人犬共患的立克次体病。Rocky Mountain spotted fever is a rickettsial disease that occurs in dogs and humans.

方法用PCR法检测鼠类脾脏和蜱类中的斑点热群立克次体DNA序列片段。Methods Detecting SFGR DNA sequence fragment in spleen of rodents and ticks by PCR assay.

支原体、衣原体及立克次体的生物学特性有何异同?What are the main different bio-characteristics among mycoplasma, chlamydia and rickettsia?

该立克次体经鉴定是属于Q热立克次体。It was proved to be Q Rickettsia by animal test and general method of serological identification.

恙虫病是由感染恙螨幼虫叮咬人体传入恙虫病立克次体所致的急性传染病。Tsutsugamushi disease is caused by Rickettsia tsutsugamushithrough the bite of vector chigger mite on human.

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目的了解蜱、鼠中自然感染斑点热群立克次体的状况。Objective To study the infection of Spotted fever Group Ricketfsiase in wild rodent and tick in Zhejiang province.

大蒜中含有植物杀菌素,除对细胞有灭杀作用外,对各种病毒,立克次体也有灭杀作用。Garlic contains phytoncide, in addition to the role of the kill cells, for a variety of viruses, Rickettsia also kill role.

自然感染蜱血淋巴涂片中的斑点热立克次体经酶标抗体染色显示清晰的阳性反应。In the hemolymph smear of the natural infected tick the spotted fever rickettsia revealed distinctimmunoperoxidase staining.

用于立克次体病和性病性淋巴肉芽肿,霍乱,由革兰氏阴性杆感染引起的治疗。For the treatment of rickettsial diseases and venereal lymphogranuloma, cholera, and caused by the gram-negative rod infection.

传播疟疾、黄热病、立克次体病、鼠疫、丝虫病等,毁坏谷物、木材和食品。Transmit malaria, yellow fever, Rickettsia of disease, plague, filariasis, and so on, the destruction of grain, timber and food.

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大蒜大蒜中含有植物杀菌素,除对细胞有灭杀作用外,对各种病毒、立克次体也有灭杀作用。Garlic Garlic contains phytoncide, in addition to the role of the kill cells, for a variety of viruses, Rickettsia also kill role.

黑龙江立克次体是近年发现的斑点热群立克次体新种,由其引起的疾病为黑龙江蜱传斑点热。Rickettsia heilongjiangii is a new species of spotted fever group. The disease it causes is heilongjiangii tick-borne spotted fever.

用本法试测立克次体在宿主细胞内的生长曲线,只表现出迟缓期及对数生长期,而无稳定期及衰退期。Determined growth curve of R. prowazekii in host cells displayed only the lag and log phases without stationary and declining phases.

本文采用差速离心沉淀和高盐乙醚处理方法从立克次体感染鸡胚卵黄囊膜中提取纯化立克次体。A modified method of extracting and purifying rickettsiae from infected chicken embryo yolk sac by differential centrifugations and Ether treatment.

恙虫病是由立克次体引起的急性感染症,自从抗生素问世后,此类疾病所引起的并发症就很少见。Scrub typhus is an acute febrile illness. Severe complications of this disease have been very rare since the introduction of specific antibiotic therapy.

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一种急性传染病,症状表现为寒冷和发烧,由微生物立克次体引起并由体虱传播。An acute infectious disease characterized by chills and fever, caused by the microorganism Rickettsia quintana and transmitted by the louse Pediculus humanus.

血清流行病学调查表明该地区居民与部队人群均存在恙虫病立克次体抗体。The serologic results show that antibody to Orientia tsutsugamushi is positive in the residents and army crowd. After the prevent measures were carried out, the incidence was descent.

文章提出对海洋贝类类立克次体进行研究的必要性,分析了研究的重点及难点,展望了此研究领域的发展趋势。The necessity, emphasis and difficulty for the research on the rickettsia-like organism of the marine mollusk were discussed, and the trend of the development on the research is given.