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非金属原子称为配体。The non-metal atoms are called ligands.

钠是金属,碘是非金属。Sodium is a metal, iodine is a nonmetal.

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垫圈材料是非金属性的或金属性的。Washer materials are non-metallic or metallic.

用于各类金属、非金属、零备件、工具等的标识铭牌制作。They are all used to mark the br in many areas.

这些元素被称作半金属或非金属。And, these are called semi-metals or metalloids.

人类使用某些非金属,不如金属那样广泛。Man uses some non-metals not so widely as metals.

与非金属相比,金属是相当硬的。All metals are fairly hard, compared with nonmetals.

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是什么因素使金属与非金属互不相同?What is it that makes metals different from non-metals?

蛭石矿物是我国的优势非金属矿种。Vermiculite is a dominated industrial commodity in China.

非金属矿物为石英、碳酸盐矿物。The nonmetallic minerals are quartz and carbonate mineral.

常采用金属与非金属组合的形式。Often used in the form of combination of metal and nonmetal.

橡胶是非金属材料的另一大类。Thee rubber is another major category in nonmetal materials.

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许多金属和大部分非金属都是逆磁性的。Many of the metals and most of the nonmetals are diamagnetic.

采用惰性气体凝聚法获得非金属团簇淀积体。Nonmetal nanoclusters are generated by inert-gas condensation.

美国非金属矿产品制造子行业。Nonmetallic Mineral Product Manufacturing Subsector in the U. S.

将地图展开,置于非金属的平面上。Unfold map and place on a firm, flat, level nonmetallic surface.

非金属夹杂物对电站转子锻件的质量产生重大的影响。The non-metal inclusion has a great effect on power rotor forgings.

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介绍了二氧化钛非金属氮掺杂改性的研究进展。The recent progress in research on nitrogen- doped TiO2 is reviewed.

非金属例如木,玻璃和塑料不能很轻易地传热。Nonmetals such as wood, glass and plastic cannot conduct heat easily.

硫酸钙晶须是由生石膏制备而成的新型非金属材料。Calcium sulphate whisker is a new nonmetal material prepared from gypsum.