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峰顶有月观亭。There are peak months Guanting.

站在虎山长城的峰顶举目望去。Standing on the Hushan Great Wall.

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而且你会从摸索大胆地转向“峰顶”。And you'll run for the hills from the groper.

就让人类重新选择生存的峰顶。Let the survival of the human re-select the peak.

落日余晖离开了峰顶,谷内暮色苍茫。The light of the setting sun suffused the clouds.

峰顶是一块仅仅6米见方的岩石。At its summit is a rock only about six meters across.

当太阳跃上东岳峰顶的树梢。When the sun rising on the tree top of Dongyue Mount.

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峰顶眺望,安陆县城尽收眼底。Peak overlooks, Anlu panoramic view of the county seat.

我们用了一天半的时间爬上了积雪覆盖的峰顶。We reached the snow-covered summit in a day and a half.

它们的峰顶显现为沿着海岸散布的岛屿。Its peaks now show as islands scattered along the coast.

我在峰顶之上狂奔,对着太阳炫耀我的冰镐。I run onto the summit and I shake my ice axes at the sun.

他们登上了覆盖着雪的那座山的峰顶。They climbed a mountain whose peak was covered with snow.

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您是雄伟的峰顶,让我们一览众山小,啊!You are magnificent peaks, and let us see the mountains small, ah!

总保费帐户从去年夏季峰顶的94,607降到89,875。Total premium accounts stand at 89, 875, below last summer’s 94, 607 peak.

2002年,火山就在峰顶之下的几百米处出现了破裂。In 2002 the rupture happened a few hundred feet below the 11,385-foot peak.

但他管不了那么多了,峰顶在望,沸腾的岩浆就在眼前。But he kept going. He peeked over the top, eye to eye with the boiling lava.

2002年,火山就在峰顶之下的几百米处出现了破裂。In 2002 the rupture happened a few hundred feet below the 11, 385-foot peak.

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峰顶比较高,风会很大,天气也是瞬息万变。Summits are higher and can be very windy, and the weather can change on a dime.

在8,300米高的地方,珠峰峰顶的大部分仍旧隐藏在云层里。At 8,300 meters high, the top of Mount Qomolangma remains mostly hidden in the clouds.

在经过一天的辛苦跋涉以后,西姆斯和特德斯科抵达了风蚀严重的荒芜峰顶。After a full day of hiking, Sims and Tedesco reached the barren, wind-wracked summit rim.