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它们在信封里。They're in the envelope.

我用了一个邮资已付的信封。I use a prepaid envelope.

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把一张邮票贴在信封上。Stick a stamp on the envelop.

这些信封是我们的吗?Do these envelops belong to us?

是的,有航空信封吗?Do you sell air-mail envelopes?

她经常重复使用旧信封。She often reuses old envelopes.

这信封封得很牢。The envelope was firmly sealed.

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你可以用汽熏把信封启开。You can steam open the envelope.

你能给我一个回邮信封吗?Can you give me a return envelop?

我迫不及待地打开信封。I brooked no delay in opening it.

深灰色的信封图标。It has a dark gray envelope icon.

别忘了把信封封好。Don't forget to seal the envelope.

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他用浆糊粘信封。He sealed the envelope with paste.

信封封缄被人撕开了。The envelope's seal was torn open.

他开始裁开每个信封。He began to slit open each envelope.

托尔曼先生达成的信封。Mr. Tolman reached for the envelope.

派蒂将信封锁在了一个保险柜里。Patty locks the envelope into a safe.

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这个是大家都不敢拆开的信封。IT IS the envelope they dare not open.

信封上也写满了字。The envelope itself was likewise full.

她把信折好塞进信封。She tucked her letter into an envelope.